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Comment Re:simple ideas aren't obvious? (Score 4, Insightful) 270

Now the modern form over function UX crowd with their hipster indecipherable logos (3 dots for action, 3 lines for menu?) may be heading the wrong direction

To be fair... the largest smartphones are still tiny compared to the screen of any desktop computer. Also, your input is far less precise than keyboard and mouse. You have to make some sacrifices to design an interface suitable for that hardware.

But then came Windows 8, trying to put a mobile interface on the desktop. Now that was just idiotic.

Comment Re:They should have started from ORKUT (Score 1) 153

As a Brazilian, let me tell you something. It's not a matter of racism, but education. It's a fact that we have a lot of poverty, and our public education system is far from great. But then, in the late 90s, the economy started to improve, and computers became more affordable. So even poorer, semiliterate people went online. Now imagine a nation-wide "eternal September" on steroids. And all of it flocked to Orkut. Can you blame the rest of the world for not wanting to touch that mess?

Now, it was also Google's fault, as I recall Orkut was notorious for its security problems. But I liked its design, it was all about the communities. Orkut was more like a collection of forums than a social network. But near the end, they changed that too, and I thought: I don't care about these people, I care about these topics, these communities. Why did they make it more complicated to get to the part I want to see?

Comment Re:What a Mess (Score 1) 111

Then order from abroad, say, some chinese store like Gearbest or Deal Extreme. They will have only unlocked phones, although you have to check if they will work in US (as different countries use different frequencies). I think Android is usable enough... although Samsungs need at least a different launcher.

Comment Re:What a Mess (Score 5, Insightful) 111

The way forward was clear when the iPhone and then Android came about - either improve Symbian or move to Android.

I must disagree. The way forward was to move to their own new system, Linux-based MeeGo. They actually released one phone with it, the N9. Despite extremely positive reviews, the Microsoft-planted CEO fucked it sideways. If it wasn't for that subhuman scumbag, Nokia would probably still be a major smartphone maker now, with MeeGo ahead of iOS.

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