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Comment Re:Math cannot exist before wind. (Score 1) 221

Exponential decay uses e most of the time, because the derivatives and integrals are a lot less messy. e is irrational. What makes you think you're using 2? And what makes you think that the decay only has values for integer time? What's 1/3 of the way between (1/2)^3 and (1/2)^4? An irrational number.

Comment Re:Who is the greatest scientist? (Score 1) 369

There were many editors on the book, but unfortunately, they weren't actually allowed to do anything. I mean nothing. They couldn't change commas or periods or point out factual errors. It's bad because he paid to have it published. He really didn't do anything new in the book. People have been trying to come up with reasons for complex-looking patterns for a while. Occam's razor says there should be a simple reason.

100:1 odds says this thing is underwhelming at best. Most of the great stuff attributed to Wolfram is only because he was the one who had the money.

Comment Re:How do you know? (Score 1) 1246

I recommend to my students when faced with this situation that they not react. If it's genuinely an emergency, then do what must be done.
When the teacher takes further action, simply state something to the effect of, "I understand the rules. This was a genuine emergency. I understand if you feel the need to take further action."
If you get assigned detention, then serve it and try to get some homework done during it. I've found that most teachers and admins won't push it too far if the student/parent isn't being overly self-righteous.

NASA Holding Space Vs. Earth Chess Game 36

A few days ago, NASA and the US Chess Federation teamed up to host a space vs. Earth chess game. Astronaut Greg Chamitoff is playing one side, while the other side's moves will be determined by a public vote. Four potential moves will be selected each weekday by a chess club comprised of students from kindergarten through third grade. Once the selections are made, visitors to the USCF's site can vote for the move they like best. The USCF is maintaining a blog to update the moves and board position, and to provide commentary.

Comment Re:I, for one (Score 1) 701

Most CFOs are old guys. Like 60+. When they were entering the work force in their 20's, it was 1970 or so, a time when there was massive sexism in America. So is it any surprise that there are more men than women at that level of corporations?

It's not like they're given these jobs. They have to fight and sacrifice a lot to get there. They don't get to spend a lot of time with family. Many of them didn't take a lot of vacation time and worked 60+ hours a week to get where they are now.

Which would you rather do, work nonstop climbing the corporate ladder or stay at home and raise your children. There are a lot of women who would take the latter choice. There is virtually no opportunity for a man to make that choice.

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