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Comment Switching == Moving (Score 2) 145

Yes, seriously.

For a great many people, "switching ISPs" basically means moving. Because if you're lucky, you've got an option of DSL or cable, with DSL being effectively useless for anything but simple web browsing and email.

This is why we need true net neutrality—which means separating the medium from the message. Force the people who own the lines to at least lease them to anyone who asks, basically at cost...or, even better, break up the companies that own the lines so that that's all they do, and all the other services are part of a separate company.

Dan Aris

Comment Re:This is also how Sarah Palin's email got "hacke (Score 1) 311

If that were true there would be no religions or climate change deniers, they'd all be forgotten.

You're (apparently willfully obtusely) mixing up objective truth with what one believes to be true. It's always easier to remember facts that one has already learned (particularly from one's own past) than lies one has made up on the spot.

Dan Aris

Why Phone Stores Should Stockpile Replacements 253

Bennett Haselton writes: I would be in favor of a regulation requiring cell phone stores to have replacement phones on hand, for any phone model covered by a customer's insurance policy. Then customers who have insurance protection on their phones could get the damaged phones replaced instantly, and the replacement phones that are normally mailed out by overnight mail to customers under their protection plan, could instead be mailed to the stores to replace the one they just gave out to the customer. Read on for the rest of Bennett's thoughts

Comment Re:Diet is very important. (Score 1) 588

because an enormous part of the problem is the percentage of our food today that is processed, and the percentage that contains vast amounts of sugar (and particularly high fructose corn syrup).

I realize this is a common tenet of anti-farm conglomerate arguments, and I am all against farm conglomerates. But this tidbit simply isn't true. HFCS is not mostly fructose as the name implies. The most common forms used in soft drinks and processed foods are 55% fructose, 42% glucose. Or 42% fructose, 53% glucose. Your body breaks down sucrose (e.g. natural cane sugar) into 50% fructose, 50% glucose. So for all intents and purposes they're the same thing once your body gets a hold of them.

I'm aware of this. However, I've seen some articles which explain that even this small difference is enough to cause problems—either that, or that it's something to do with how the fructose and glucose are connected. Or something; I'm afraid this type of chemistry isn't my strong suit.

And while we're on the topic, carbs are just lots of sugars linked together into a longer molecule. Heck, wood/cellulose is just lots of sugars linked together (in a form which is extremely difficult for animals to break down; ruminants do it by chewing it twice and digesting it 4 times, termites do it with the assistance of a special kind of bacteria in their gut). It is extremely difficult to avoid sugars in your diet even if you eat no simple or processed sugars. Bread is sugar. Rice is sugar. Noodles are sugar. Potatoes are sugar. So it's quite misleading to blame things on the "vast amounts of sugar" in processed foods. (Unless you're talking at the caloric level, and taking into account all forms of sugar like starches and carbohydrates.)

Now you're just oversimplifying beyond the point of reason. That's like saying because they're all made up of the same elements, we might as well just drink gasoline.

Our bodies treat sugars (simple carbohydrates) and starches (complex carbohydrates) quite differently. Pretending otherwise because they're both examples of carbohydrates will get you laughed out of any biology class anywhere.

I suspect that's why the low-carb diet trumped the low-fat diet. Those on the low-carb diet were restricting their intake of sugar (in the form of carbs), while in the back of their minds they were conscious about avoiding too much fat. Those on the low-fat diet figured since they were avoiding fat, everything was ok so they piled on the carbs.

Or...maybe there's actually something different about a low-fat, high-carb diet and a low-carb, high-fat diet that convinces our bodies to store less energy as fat, and your attempts to rationalize away something that challenges your worldview are just that.

Dan Aris

Comment Re:Diet is very important. (Score 1) 588

I'm not denying there are knock-on effects from eating certain foods. Satiety and insulin and all that stuff plays a part, certainly. But if you're having trouble measuring the number of calories in your food and it seems like there are more calories than there should be, it's because your measurements are off, not because the value of a calorie has changed from food to food. Stop underestimating your intake and overestimating your output.

You are also being overly simplistic about it.

Yes, obviously, one calorie of energy gained from an apple is equivalent to one calorie of energy gained from a chocolate bar.

But the point is, we don't eat food purely for the energy they give us, and health in general and weight gain in particular are governed by much more than the pure thermodynamics of the intake vs usage.

For one thing, maybe I can extract more calories from that apple than you can. And it's also known that eating certain types of food makes the body more likely to store energy as fat if they're eaten around the same time, regardless of how much energy is being expended. (More or less.)

So if you and I took identical meals, and ate them, and then performed identical exercise, there's a good chance that one of us would end up putting on more weight (or losing more weight) than the other. Because our body makeups and chemistries are different, our metabolisms are different, and our gut flora are different.

So yeah, if you want to be as stupidly pedantic as possible, one calorie is identical to every other calorie. But if you want to actually talk about something meaningful like health, different foods can be very different in the effects they will have on us, even if they have the exact same calorie count.

Dan Aris

Comment Re:Diet is very important. (Score 1) 588

Also, what the hell is a "hipster" diet? I think this is a big sign that people need to stop talking about "hipsters". Since when were "hipsters" known for being fat?

I've really come to believe that the word "hipster" doesn't mean anything anymore. It's just an adjective that you attach to things you don't like.

Don't look at me, it was his term ;-)

Dan Aris

Comment Re:Diet is very important. (Score 1) 588

As to humans as a machine, I'm trying to separate what is healthy from what is psychologically going on in people's heads. They're different arguments that I'm not going to let you lump together.

You say that you can't sustain certain diets because psychologically you are compelled to break the diets when on them. Fine... that is a different argument then whether either diet is healthy.

You're welcome to argue that over there in your world of spherical cows in a vacuum; however, I live in the real world, where real humans have a very important psychological aspect that simply can't be ignored. Thus, a diet that might be, in theory, absolutely ideal, but which leaves anyone attempting to eat it feeling hungry and lousy all the time really isn't going to be useful.

I personally am able to eat carbs all the time and not over eat. This is largely because I have a different threshold for hunger. I eat when I get actually hungry.

Good for you. You're lucky. That doesn't mean that everyone is that lucky, or that people who aren't as lucky as you are lazy, or have no willpower, or are otherwise just not as good a person as you. It means that they didn't get as good a number in the genetic/metabolic lottery.

The main reason we do the 3 meal thing is because it structures our meals and syncs our social activities. If we lived together all the time and gathered food all the time then every minute we are awake would be a meal time. And at that point, it was. Over time we developed social patterns that have us eat in organized social meals. But our bodies don't need that. They just need a certain amount of calories per day.

No. That is exactly the fallacy that I have been trying to refute this whole time, and you seem to be simply ignoring it.

Our bodies don't "just need a certain amount of calories per day" (or week, or whatever time period). They need a certain amount of nutrients of the right types. Calories are important, yes, but they're not the be-all and end-all. We need proteins, and vitamins and minerals, or we'll develop all kinds of interesting diseases from malnutrition. We need a balanced diet.

It's not about how often one eats, or even how much one eats, though obviously those are important at a higher level. It's about what one eats when one does eat. And different people's bodies are different, in various ways and for various reasons, so there isn't one hard-and-fast rule "this is what you must eat, in these amounts, this frequently"—which is why you can cheerfully eat loads of carbs and I can't. (Well, I'd be cheerful temporarily, but it would catch up with me in the end ;-) )

Dan Aris

Comment Re:Diet is very important. (Score 1) 588

It should be obvious that a calorie is not a calorie. When it's not even true for car engines (try pumping diesel into a gasoline car) we shouldn't be assuming it's true for human metabolism. Secondly the last I checked most people don't measure the excreted calories in excrement.

Hah! An excellent point, and one I hadn't even considered.

In any case, while I definitely agree with you, every time there's a story about nutrition, weight, or health in general, there's a large number of comments that express exactly that fallacy.

Dan Aris

Comment Re:Diet is very important. (Score 1) 588

This "feeling more full" idea is only relevant if people eat more calories if they don't feel full. If you eat a pre packaged processed meal and regardless of feeling full or not just stop there... then that aspect doesn't matter.

If we talk about calories in... the feeling full aspect only matters if you increase the calories in.

In other words, if we treat humans as a machine, in which you can simply flick a switch marked "stop eating when you have actually eaten what you need," everything's hunky-dory.

Unfortunately, humans are very much unlike that sort of machine. Even a human with a great deal of what we generally term willpower is, by and large, dependent upon his body's signals to indicate when he has eaten enough. When those signals are interfered with, it's not just a matter of being a good enough person to stop eating, it's a matter of how do you actually know when to stop?

As to a calorie not just being a calorie... if you were interested in surviving... as in not starving to death... a calorie would actually be a calorie.

Even then it gets a little dodgy, but sure, we'll grant this for the sake of argument.

But that's not what we're talking about, are we? We're talking about being healthy. In particular, we're talking about what causes people to gain or lose weight. And while yes, eating twelve thousand calories of pizza and not exercising will cause you to gain weight, and eating a small bowl of brussels sprouts and running a marathon will cause you to lose weight (and probably die ;-) ), there's a lot of middle ground where the details of the food you're eating (percentages of carbs, fat, proteins, etc, and what kinds of each of those) matter more for what you can get out of the food than the straight-up calorie count.

Do different calories get processed differently? Yes. High density food... food that has a lot of energy in it per unit volume tends to not be processed well by the body if you're sedentary. If however you are active, then you can eat high density food and not feel like a slug afterwards.

Try it. Spend a day being active all day... swimming or something. And then go home for a big meal. Then try again about a week later spending the entire time being very inactive... only this time do not be active on that day and eat the same meal. You will not feel as good about it. The food will sit in your stomach.

If people were more active they could eat pretty much what they want within reason.

Sure. I don't think any of that is in dispute. But that's not what you said. (And as I understand it, there are also more nuances than simply energy density, but that is starting to get into details where I'm fuzzier on how it all works.)

Furthermore, it's also not feasible for a great many people in this day and age to "spend a day being active all day" more than once in a while. I know I work at a desk all day, and a lot of other people do the same. That makes it highly impractical to get the kind of exercise you're talking about. And just increasing exercise a little bit doesn't even always help. Indeed, I moved 3 years ago to be closer to my job, and started walking a mile and a quarter to and from work most days...and my weight didn't even budge.

However, last fall I cut nearly all carbohydrates (simple and complex—that is, sugars and starches) out of my diet, and lost 50 pounds in 4 months. Yes, I was eating a little bit less, but not nearly enough to account for the amount of weight I lost. And I was having bacon and eggs for breakfast many mornings, and plenty of other very rich foods—just not sugary foods or starchy foods. (And it was hard to do. But suffice it to say that I had some strong motivation specifically to cut out carbs for that period of time—the weight loss, in my case, was a nice bonus.)

Now, that's just an anecdote. On its own, it would mean very little. But given that the article we're both commenting on is about a scientific study that shows that I'm not the only one that can be true for, I think it's quite relevant.

Dan Aris

Comment Diet is very important. (Score 4, Informative) 588

Then why were people from 50 years ago not hugely fat? Because they were not eating all your little hipster diets and they were not fat.

The lack of understanding betrayed by this is almost ludicrous.

They didn't need to eat a "hipster diet" 50 years ago to avoid getting hugely fat, because an enormous part of the problem is the percentage of our food today that is processed, and the percentage that contains vast amounts of sugar (and particularly high fructose corn syrup). Which is exactly what (many of) the "hipster diets" strive to emulate.

I realize that on Slashdot, where people tend to be highly math-oriented, it's a popular fallacy to believe that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. However, studies like this one have been coming out for years now showing that that's simply not true.

Some kinds of energy are easier for our bodies to extract from food than others. Some kinds of food make our bodies feel more full than others. And our bodies need more in terms of nutrition than just calories—so, contrary to one of your other posts, no, a 12 thousand calorie diet of pizza cannot be healthy, unless the toppings on that pizza are very carefully selected to provide the nutrients that our bodies actually need.

It would be nice if nutrition were a simple formula, where you could just calculate calories in minus calories expended and come out with a nice, pleasing mathematical formula. But the human body isn't a spherical body in a vacuum, and "calorie" isn't a unit of nutrition, no matter how much you try to make it so.

Dan Aris

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