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Comment Re:Does Youtube get a cut of the sales? (Score 1) 237

I agree that it's free advertising for the artists and this is stupid, but warner has a problem with youtube making money off of ads/banners and probably aren't giving them "big enough" of a cut of what they think is rightfully theirs. ironically, they probably are paying for bandwidth.

good, another reason to not buy from warner or its subsidiaries.

Comment Re:In other news ... (Score 1) 455

quality post. I read TFA as well and microsoft themselves do not say that. who's reviewing these false stories?

in other news today:
-Rockstar Games claims they have DRM to stop people from buying their games.
-President Bush says "Who threw dat shoe, lulz!" to the media.
-The year of the Linux Desktop is finally here!* [*says some dude who doesn't matter*].

if people actually read articles instead of being able to criss-cross facts with whatever they want to make headlines, we might actually have something meaningful to discuss.

Comment Re:A word about 'bias' (Score 1) 663

I disagree. I think he isn't the one uttering the remarks. he's telling people to open his eyes.

it's hard not to have something like this personally affect you. when you fight the so-called 'good fight' and notice that no one ever calls the RIAA on their shit, you start getting frustrated and have to take it out somewhere. he's not reading this verbatim to the judge. but he is making his point loud and clear: RIAA, stop these frivolous lawsuits, especially against defenseless people on which you basically have ZERO proof besides a "suspicion" that they are denying you paychecks that you're not entitled to but feel you are.

keep it up ray. I'll cheer you on until one of us is six feet under. let's hope it's the RIAA bullies first.

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