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Journal Journal: Rover Solar Panels Cleaned

New Scientist reports that the Mars Rover Opportunity has had its solar panels cleaned on at least four seperate occasions and NASA doesn't know how it's happening.

The rovers landed on Mars in January with solar cells capable of providing more than 900 watt-hours of electricity per day. Spirit's output has dropped to about 400 watt-hours, partly because Martian dust has caked its solar panels. Opportunity's output also declined at first - to around 500 watt-hours - but over the past six months it has regained power (New Scientist, 30 October, p 6). Lately, its solar cells have been delivering just over 900 watt-hours.

Rover team leader Jim Erickson at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, told New Scientist that a process still not understood.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 'Good Morning Silicon Valley' Ate My Newsfeed!

Last year I got interested in news feeds but since a lot of the sites I visited didn't have them yet I wrote some scrapers in php and went merrily on my way... I don't know exactly when they started doing this but today I noticed Good Morning Silicon Valley had added a link to my scraped feed under the title "Add GMSV headlines to your site"... One would think that they would be less than willing to rely on my dubious efforts for their content but perhaps my scraping days are numbered anyway.

[Original GMSV page archived here ]

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