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Comment Walking on water (Score 5, Interesting) 54

Kind of off topic but we have a picture of my father, Jack Harker, walking on water in front of the sculpture. He was manager of "The Labs" and was working with manufacturing to introduce their first Winchester disk drive. The technology was not moving successfully from the lab to the shop. There were some tremendous technical problems in mass producing the drives. Manufacturing gave a very aggressive schedule for solving the problems. My father replied that if they could meet the schedule, he would walk on water.

Manufacturing meet the schedule and the disk drives were delivered. My father had a plywood platform built and painted dark placed just under the surface of the reflecting pool. True to his word, there he was walking on water with the sculpture in the background.

A picture I did not understand fully until after his death.

Jack Harker, one of the fathers of the disk drive industry, a manager's manager, a great dad.

Comment Performance monitoring (Score 1) 170

Interesting things to monitor are I/O rates and read/write latency. More esoteric things might be stats about most active files and directories or percentage of recently accessed data -vs- inactive data. But these are more analysis than monitoring. What other parameters would a sysadmin want to look at?


Comment 30 year war? No. 30 year battle? Yes. (Score 1) 425

If we treat this as a war, we will be fighting, killing and destroying for 30 years changing little. Most of the death and destruction will happen to the civilian population. We need to treat this as a battle for the hearts and minds of the Muslim world. We have to change attitudes and how they treat each other. Break the cycle of tit for tat, I kill you because you killed my father/brother. This will take a generation or more.

Comment More constructive difference between xen & bas (Score 1) 81

Pre-disclosure and a quarantine period is useful for both infrastructure security bugs like xen and widely deployed security bugs like bash and openssl.

In the case of an infrastructure bug the quarantine period allows the service providers a chance to patch and restart their services before their customers become vulnerable.

In the case of a widely deployed security bug it give the OS/software vendors the chance to investigate the bug. Create patches and test/verify their patches and pre-stage them so when the bug is disclosed publicly sites that do automatic updates are already patched.

I think the two week window used by xen is a good window balancing giving time for people to fix the problem but limiting the time between discovery and public knowledge/exploit.

Comment Re:They're not gamers. (Score 1) 276

Hum... Afraid that women will cut into your male dominated world? I doubt women game in a "man cave". But maybe in a "woman's lair". I know that both of my college age daughters actively play games most every day.

And why does playing Candy Crush make you any less of a gamer than some blood drenched single shooter game?

Comment Water and food for 4 days (Score 1) 191

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so the risk of a major quake that will disrupt power, water and roads is very real. I have 12 one gallon bottles of water in their boxes bought when they were on sale for a buck a piece. I store it in my basement next to the outside door so I can probably get to them even if the house has major structural issues.

Water is important. You can live for a week or more without food. But no water will do you in after a few days. In a major earthquake, it is very likely that the water system will fail. Broken pipes, lack of power, contaminated supply, etc.

Food is probably not a big issue. You probably have 4 or 5 days of food in your kitchen. Those cans in the back of the cupboard, soup mix, rice, beans or other dry goods. It may not be very appetizing, but it is food.

In America we are lucky. In the event of a major earthquake or other natural disaster, the rest of the country will rally. Food, water, tents, bedding will be brought in in a matter of days. You just have to plan for the first 96 hours.

Comment Offsite backups (Score 1) 191

The importance of offsite backups for personal data or data for a small company can not be stressed enough. In a major quake fire is a very real danger. Natural gas lines break and a spark can start a fire.

Offsite backups do not need to be fancy. I have two 1 TB USB drives I use for backup. I copy all of my data to one drive and then take it to my parents house. I then do backups to the second drive. Every month or so, I swap the two drives. If the drive in my house gets destroyed I only loose a month of data, not all of my data. You could also backup to the cloud but I would rather not have the cloud provider grubbing through my personal data.

The two USB drives solution is low-tech and low-cost. You just have to remember to swap the two drives every now and then.

Comment Smartphone violent muggings (Score 4, Interesting) 299

Why Law Enforcement in California pushed for the law was that there is a real problem with violent smartphone robberies. The victim steps away from her friends to talk on her smartphone. The thief hits her from the back so she falls forward grabbing her phone and runs. She would not see who the thief was. This is an every weekend occurrence in San Francisco and the San Francisco Police don't like this. A kill switch would make smartphone theft less profitable.

Comment Collected email addresses used for spam (Score 1) 126

Looks like they have started selling email addresses. I just got email from multiple spam runs for my email addresses from:

Spam does not bother me so much. But the first two email addresses do. They are my domain registrars. So they have my account information and could change my domain registration. Time to change some passwords.


Comment A critical need in disasters is housing (Score 2) 55

This is a great idea. Getting people to think about opening their homes in times of a disaster before the disaster happens. Sort of like the organ donation sticker on your drivers license.

Having a database of people who are willing to open their homes in a disaster and what their parameters for guests are would be invaluable. I am a single older man so I would be willing to have other single older men stay with me as well as a family or a couple. What Airbnb is proposing is using their tools to help disaster relief agencies create a database of places for people to stay. Probably of limited use the night of the disaster, but useful for the next two weeks.

This is an interesting step forward for disaster relief agencies learning how to use social media. Airbnb is willing to help this happen. While it is good PR for Airbnb, it is also a great way for them to give back to the community.

Comment Re:Occams Scalpel (Score 1) 962

You don't see it in the workplace any more, or very rarely, now that it's illegal.

Are you a software developer? How many women programmers are on your team? What, no women on your team? Or if they are on your team they are QA or documentation people? It is not because they are not qualified. It is because most development teams are toxic to women.

I am a sysadmin and most of the female sysadmins I have known have left the field. It is not because they can't take it. They can and dish it out as well. They just get tired of the "boy's club" attitude of their male coworkers. They kept waiting for the boys to grow into men, but then realized they probably won't.

It takes a real MAN to own up to the fact that this harassment of women is insidious and pervasive in the tech/geek communities. But the boys will just continue to try and explain why it is the women's problem, not theirs.

Comment Re:And the result of all this? (Score 1) 962

Situation A: Tom says something mean to Fred. Fred tells Tom to go fuck himself. Big Boss hears about it and calls them both into his office. Big Boss tells Tom to square his shit away or he's fired. Big Boss admonishes Fred to come see him about this in the future rather than responding in kind. Tom and Fred go on about their work and are a bit more careful about their interactions. This is a regular thing for Tom as he's brilliant but a loose cannon verbally. Big Boss talks to Tom and admonishes him that if he can't keep his asshole comments to himself, he will end up fired with prejudice.

Except that unless Tom had something equally offensive to Fred, then the Big Boss tells Fred to square his shit away or he will be reported to HR. And HR if it has any smarts at all will look this very seriously. If Tom did say something equally offensive, then the Big Boss will tell them both the same message. If the Big Boss does not take this seriously, then he has just dropped the companies pants for a big lawsuit.

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