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Comment Re:HIgher defect density indicates BETTER code (Score 1) 209

while (source[i] != '\0')
        dest[i] = source[i];

So one error in that code would be 1 defect per five lines or so.

Here's all the code you need, what a better programmer would write:
while (*dest++ = *src++);

Your "better code" is actually not equivalent (the first loop doesn't copy the nul terminator). Even if it was equivalent, I don't think I would necessarily call it "better". This particular piece happens to be fairly idiomatic and many would understand it, but cramming as much semantics in one line as possible is usually not a good idea. I agree that in general less code is better for equivalent behavior, but usually that means better factoring, not putting more code in one line.

Comment Re:Boggle (Score 1) 909

> something that predated the definition of units in the metric
> system in physical units by almost 200 years.
That definition depends on gravity at the point of measure (I think. I'm not sure what's "a pendulum at 38 degrees"). How is it more a "defined in physical units" than 1/10,000,000 the distance from the equator to the North pole (original definition of the meter), of the mass of a given volume of water (original definition of the kilogram)?

Comment Re:Rots your brain (Score 1) 267

Other than the "convenience" of being able to get at your email, a crutch for a stunted sense of direction, and a safety net for poor before-hand planning
These are all excellent reasons for using a smartphone (and you don't need a stunted sense of direction to find maps useful). Anything after that is bonus.

Comment Re:Not sure I'd want an engineer/politician (Score 1) 727

> besides intercourse
What makes this one more logical than any other, especially since you claim that having children is illogical? I'm curious.
Also, you seem to assume that being logical means maximizing productivity. Personally, my goal in life is not to be the most productive. Entertainment is actually closer to it.

Comment Re:Open source win (Score 1) 306

information theory
You probably mean "cryptography". Information theory is related but different.
Anyway, cryptography makes a distinction between "obscure" and "secret". The idea is that good cryptography requires a secret. If something is in your possession (like a program on your disk), it's not secret to you (exception could be made for some secure chips that are designed specifically so that you can't read their secret).

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