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Comment Re:MicroSIM? (Score 1) 198

The iMac was the first computer with USB as the only peripheral connector- i.e., no serial port, no parallel port et.c.
The difference between portable music players back in the day was that one took two seconds to transfer a song, others took around a minute.

Which would you prefer?

Comment Re:Embrace the Dark Side (.net) (Score 1) 427

The ability to pass COM objects around in .net is great -- but why not start off being able to do that at the CLI and build on top of that, so that if you have to, it can all be done over something like SSH.

"Those who are forever stuck in a UNIX world are condemned to appear ignorant whenever they talk about non-current versions of windows." -- Me.

I say that as a long time Solaris and Linux guy, btw.
PowerShell is one of the recent things Microsoft has done fairly well.

PowerShell is basically a dumbed down, interpreted version of dotnet. Pass objects all you want!

Comment Re:But.. But... (Score 1) 162

Personally, I live in southern Stockholm.
I do not have municipal broadband; my ISP has its own backhaul.

Back in the day when I paid for it, I paid 325 SEK per month ($51 at today's rate). They lowered it to 245 SEK per month ($38) for a few months, and then my home owners' association decided to pick up the bill.

That's a 100/10 connection, 4 IP addresses, private ISP with their own backhaul.

Welcome to last decade.

Comment Re:Easier method: (Score 1) 242

I thought I had a tiny splinter in my heel a few months ago, which was seriously annoying me when I wanted to go get shitfaced.

Couldn't see it with my own eye, and couldn't feel it sticking out with my finger.

Went to my local doc who numbed my foot, made a tiny incision and pulled out a 3cm glass shard out of my heel.
The thing was around half a milimeter wide; and the only reason I could actually see it up close was because it was covered in blood.

YMMV, of course, but if I couldn't see that from half a meter, I doubt you'd be able to see it on the pavement.

Unless you're a midget.

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