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Comment Patent Reform or Doubling of Smart Device Costs? (Score 1) 91

The recent patent lawsuits among the various smartphone companies are both high dollar enough and frequent enough to attract the attention of enough people (that matter) to push for changes hopefully as patent reform. Or if evil prevails then all of the big companies could just get together behind closed doors shake eachothers hands and agree on unilateral raising of prices and claiming its due to patents. Within a few years the price of mobile devices could double (at the same hardware level) for no reason all.

Comment 2000 E was the absolute coolest looking WM (Score 4, Interesting) 259

E was left behind in the window manager wars but it was probably the one that first featured alot of the UI changes that sparked the UI revolution that was the last 12 years. Its good to see they are finally out with a new version and I hope it gains some ground but it would be hard at this point to become the #1 WM. Im sure many of the people who used E in the past will want to try it again but beyond that I dont see it being adopted much. I would probably rather E over Ubuntu's Unity any day (Although i'd take just about any WM over Unity)

Comment Yes for Large or Multi-Dev Projects (Score 1) 430

When you have many people working on the same code base coding standards are very important. Its impossible to keep every line of code fresh in your memory so when viewing your code or someone else's, quickly identifying what each part of the code does is very important. Knowing even something as simple as a standard variable naming convention used in a program can make the difference between jumping into a block of code and accurately modifying it or butchering it.

Comment Way To Go Sen Wyden! (Score 2) 151

This has been needed since netflix type video services started getting popular. You cant use internet video streaming without hitting a bandwidth cap pretty fast unless your ok with gameboy resolution in your stream. Movies simply dont look that good unless you view them at full resolution, and netflix at HD resolution is up to 2GB/hour. Leaving your internet tv streaming during the day will eat up most any bandwidth cap.

Comment Not true, for gripping and minimizing damage (Score 1) 240

It seems the article is more saying that our thumbs have evolved in a manor that allows us to fold it into our hand like our other fingers to protect it (which happens to be useful when fighting). I suspect this evolution was more about being able to grip something than it was about fighting.

Comment Apple case was good for public awareness (Score 5, Interesting) 149

The biggest problem with the patent system is that most people aren't aware of the problems with it. General public awareness of the problems in the patent system is a good step towards eventual patent reform. It takes a big case like this with lots of news coverage about products many of us use to motivate the general public. Change is never fast or easy but as long as the majority of people think that patent reform is needed, it should eventually happen.

Comment Lets start seeding the galaxy with life (Score 3, Interesting) 420

Sure its not viable for us to go there ourselves but couldnt we start sending probes in the direction of planets like this with enough ingredients on them to help kickstart life on other worlds that can support it. It wont effect us but might help ensure life continues in the universe once we inevitably destroy our own planet.

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