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Comment AGPL (Score 1) 283

The sooner we start using AGPL for every piece of FOSS code, the better. IMO it's the only way to avoid FOSS being marginalized by big companies like MS or Google.

USA has a monopoly on IT (MS has the PC section, Google the Internet search market), and those companies are both killing FOSS. MS fights openly (the viral factor anyone?), while Google is fagoziting FOSS, (Android vs Linux kernel), (Chrome vs Safari).

Comment Re:motives (Score 1) 540

Why is it so odd to just be generous? Why must generosity have some hidden motive? Can't a person (or a company) just be nice once in a while?
If this were Microsoft announcing a free public DNS service, sure, I'd be wary, but Google hasn't given me reason to mistrust them.

How much they pay you, to say such a naive and blatant Google apology?

Comment Re:Google: Community Taker, Not So Much Giver (Score 0, Flamebait) 176

In fact Google is one of the larger contributors to the OSS movement that I personally know of

Then you dont know much

Or maybe could you please indicate some efficient massive text search technology released by Google under some open/free license?

Or maybe some decent OCR program (ocropus+tesseract are years behind what you get for free in windows with any HP multifunction scanner/printer) so that we could convert those millions of tiff's based pdfs to an editable format?

Perhaps you know of some GIS technology from Google, to allow open/free implementations of world modeling?

And please, let's not forget to mention the little support and even smaller cooperation of Google towards key pieces of the open source world, like the kernel, or java.

Google keeps perfectly closed his cashcow technologies, but those very same technologies are build UPON open/free software. That's the taking and not giving the parent poster was talking about.

Comment That's just a PR move (Score 1) 312

The telecom spanish situation it's a de facto monopoly (telefonica), with some other minor players to mascarade the industry as on oligopoly. The point is that spanish telecom prices/quality are one of the worst in the EU, with the explicit consent of goverments (left & right spanish parties does not give a f* s* for the people's right to access information).

Sometime they need to wash his face, that's the 'new regulation' comes in... minimal requirements, undefined prices, and of course, not now, tomorow. I am sorry, but I've heard the same lies, repeated too many times..

Comment Google is not givin back a shit (Score 1) 155

Google is using extensively open source, but is not giving back any significant technology to the open source world.

No efficient search technology.
No decent OCR software (ocropus + tesseract are still years behind what you get for free with any multifunction HP printer on the windows world) No GIS technology No JSP cooperation, Minimal kernel patches, etc, etc

Google could be a major open/free source contributor, they have the money and the skills, but they have no will to do-it. In fact, Google is behaving like any other big greedy corporation, they only do what they see fit for his own interest. The bleeding point is that Google exist THANKS TO open/free programming.

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