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Comment Re:One change (Score 1) 453

I agree with the addition of a micro SD slot. My Nexus 7 has 8 GB, which hasn't been a problem for reading books, etc.

What I *really* want is the ability, on my Android tablet, to dump any app I don't want to use. Any app. Haven't signed up for Google Wallet or Google+, don't intend to. Drop it. I'm not going to buy content on the tablet, Google, get used to it!

I also agree with the earlier poster, maps are next to useless on the N7. I can't even get the app to start unless I have a WiFi connection. How lame is that?

Love it for Netflix, and of course would play my own ripped DVDs except for the space requirements. Wait, if I had a micro SD card

Comment Re:AKA A map of which houses NOT to rob. (Score 1) 1232

Finally. A service for the criminal element, so long neglected in our society. "Rob any of these, except those enumerated," says Father Crime. "For if ye rob a house marked with the Sign Of Death, ye shall surely die." So saith Father Crime.

For the uneducated, now that you know which addresses are safe, and that's MOST of them, have at 'em! It has been proven time and time again that government and its friends never err. If government or its friends publishes (or allows to be published) a list of homes that are potentially safe from encroachment, it amounts to an endorsement by Gov't/Friends that all other addresses must be considered safe to attack and/or burgle.

I have to wonder if the lib-tards that published the list can be held legally liable when the above scenario is repeated. And repeated. And repeated.

Comment No Second Amendment rights (Score 1) 2987

I work in one of these "killing zones." While I have a handgun carry permit in the US state in which I live, my Second Amendment rights under our Constitution somehow seemingly don't apply where I work. If just one person in the path of this destruction had been legally armed (which is fully Constitutional), the slaughter *might* have been avoided. It might not have. But there would at least be a chance, statistically.

I live in a "red" state; yet, the legislation barring any educational institution from barring handgun carry permit owners to legally carry firearms on campus was tabled and not even voted on. There are prominently posted signs around the campus saying that weapons possession on campus is a felony. Small consolation if a pile-o'-crap gunman chooses to pick our particular killing zone to express his/her frustrations.

You have no actual rights if you cannot defend them yourself. So many millions of people have died, trying to educate us on this elementary principle.

Comment Re:ironic... (Score 0) 182

You'd dock a puppy's tail? I assume from this that you'd circumcise a male offspring, er, that you'd have your son clipped. No choice on his part; it's just a matter of scale, right? Then force-feed him the idea that he's now better off.

At least I don't have an opinion about it.

Just sayin'

Comment Re:Just vote them in to office (Score 2) 292

Indeed, let's all bow in sync and vote single party rule. After all, only one party knows what is best for you, and especially for me. Let's be like California, which has a democrat super majority, as I understand. Only good can come from this; no opposition, only sacred and loving devotion to a single party and its goals, stated and otherwise.

Having opposition views is *so* inconvenient.

Comment Re:Could the summary possibly be more slanted? (Score 1) 530

I work at a private, non-profit college. We don't tell our students what they may say online; our efforts are directed toward known porn/malware sites (often the same thing) and keeping people from using P2P. Yes, of course there are legitimate uses of bittorrent et al, but our problem is one of bandwidth consumption. We can't afford a gigabit pipe from Google or anyone else and we can't have a few students sucking up all the bandwidth that must be shared with everyone.

Saying what you wish to say is one thing, it's well and good and under the right circumstances is protected by the Constitution. What concerns me more personally, is that not one instructor on staff has Conservative leanings; every instructor that has expressed an opinion is very Liberal. Call it "progressive" if you like; it's the same thing.

Maybe it's different at taxpayer-supported institutions; I'd like to hear from others.

Comment Re:Can't make heads or tails of it all. (Score 1) 706

At least there were two candidates (sorry, but that's the way it is in the US) and there were some (potentially embarrassing) responses to direct criticism.

I do feel for our European and other global commentators who had to endure this "debate." I'm an unabashed Conservative, and found myself hollering at Romney about 1/3rd as often as I did Obama.

At least it's over, and pundits (or 'pundints' as some would say) can endlessly debate who's the winner. I heard nothing about the tech sector, so why scream "we won" when we were collectively ignored?

The US election process drags its collective carcass along.

Comment Big government (Score 1) 1199

The bigger government gets the fewer our liberties become. I despise tobacco in any form, but overarching government is infinitely worse. Government itself does have a quandary, on the one hand it makes huge sums from taxes on tobacco products, on the other hand the urge to control EVERYTHING is irresistible. Not that I'm expressing sympathy for government.

Anyone who thinks it's a good idea, please stop to consider that if government gains control in this situation, it's not going to stop. Sooner or later they'll come after each of us and exert increasing control over every aspect of life.

No, I'm not paranoid; they really are after all of us.


Comment Re:Wireless (Score 2) 168

Living in AT&T land, I had their "premium" 6/0.4 DSL service. Then one fine day they poured a slab for the U-verse cabinet at the end of the street. Such a deal, phone/video/Internet! Actually, boys & girls, I only want the Internet. Turns out they suddenly lose interest if they can't sell you TV. Since I don't have a TV in my house it seemed silly to pay extra for crap-vision.

Then they started messing with my DSL service. Change the IP address up to three times a day. Really? You manage your network so poorly you have to re-arrange it that often? Of course not, we just want you to upgrade to our fine U-verse service (with TV, of course.)

Finally they made a decent offer for 18/1.5 service and I snapped it up. It's simply amazing, no - miraculous that my IP address hasn't changed since that day. I have heard they use (nearly) static addresses on U-verse to make it easier to distribute the video. But thank you, AT&T for the miracle in my life! At least, thanks for not messing with my IP address any more.

Grump, and after I spent a few hours writing my own DDNS software to cope with their former animosity...

Comment Re:Romneybot to lose debate (Score 2) 168

Hitler ran the Nazi party. Nazi - translated to English it means National Socialist. That's left of center, son. Stalin was a Communist, that's even farther to the left. Sorry if the truth hurts, but the phrase "right wing authoritarians" - just doesn't scan. It's Socialism where the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few (sorry, Spock.)

Perhaps you fear liberty?

Comment Re:Good times! Clearly, he's a dirtbag (Score 1) 747

I believe we'd have to put most government employees in jail. Yes, we do have many really good people in government service, but the real problem is that government "service" tends to attract the worst in society. I could use words like "greedy," "avaricious," and "corrupt" but that would tend to denigrate them. I know people who have worked in government and left in disgust. If I knew only one, I'd write it off - but I know several.

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