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Submission + - Microsoft answers IP questions of open letter

Hans Kwint writes: "Mid November, Steve Ballmer said "Linux"uses our [Microsoft Corp.] intellectual property" and "Microsoft Corp. wanted to "get the appropriate economic return for our shareholders from our innovation." Many people didn't understand what he really meant, among them the LXer editors. Therefore, LXer sent an Open Letter to the Waggener Edstrom Rapid Response team, and two weeks later, the answers are in (no pun intended). Check the full story for the answers a Microsoft Spokesperson gave us, which hopefully can answer some of our questions."

Submission + - Deep-sea shrimp defy heat and cold

digitalhermit writes: Just a dose of interesting science for the day: SCIENTISTS have discovered species of shrimp, mussel and clam living at temperatures near boiling point three kilometres down in the equatorial Atlantic. I was particularly impressed by this line: "Scientists who have eaten them say the shrimp are foul-tasting because of the amount of hydrogen sulphide in their bodies." Link is here.

Journal SPAM: Shuttle Launch 4

Saturday was my daughter's birthday. We planned to cap off the day with a drive to Titusville to watch the space shuttle launch. It ended up not working out, so we were home in the evening.

A little after 7 I turned on the NASA channel to keep track of how things were going. I didn't know what the weather was like at the cape but it was beautiful at our house. Not much wind, no clouds, very nice. As I watched the countdown progress I could feel myself getting really keyed

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