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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 38 declined, 6 accepted (44 total, 13.64% accepted)

United States

Submission + - New Laws Require U.S. Flags to be Made in the USA

prakslash writes: AP is reporting that new laws are being passed in various State Legislatures that will require every American flag sold in the USA be domestically produced. The law's sponsor, Democratic Rep. Tom Rukavina, said that the 'The biggest honor that you can give the flag is that it be made by American workers in the United States of America'. On the other hand, according to Peter Morici, a business professor at the University of Maryland, under World Trade Organization standards, the U.S. government can't treat foreign products less favorably than those produced within its boundaries.
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Canadian Gunman Was Fan of 'Columbine' Game

prakslash writes: USA Today is reporting that the Canadian man with a black trench coat whose shooting rampage in a Montreal college killed one person and wounded 19 others liked to play a role-playing Internet game about the Columbine shootings. This incident could provide serious ammunition to groups supporting censorship of computer games.

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