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Comment separate your data (Score 1) 210

Put the data on the best type of filesystem required for it whether it be ext3, ext4, some NAS box with tons of memory, Ramdisks. If you have a complex web site, have multiple filesystem types. If you decide that you want a one size fits all then you obviously aren't that serious about the question.

Comment The funny thing really is... (Score 1) 372

Most likely they're looking for someone with map experience now, instead of someone who can say no to other departments when asking for commitment dates. That person knows very well that if you have a commitment date then bugs are implied, and not following this way is contrary to current training in degrees for programming and management.

While a balance can be found as a product matures, the birth of a product is very different. Look at how we treat humans in the different stages of their life for citations.


High-Voltage Fences For Zapping Would-Be Copper Thieves 363

coondoggie writes "It may be a gimmick or the ultimate answer, but a California city this week okay-ed a draft ordinance that would let businesses install 7,000-volt electric fences to protect sites from rampant copper thieves. As reported by the Sacramento CBS station, the reaction from one business owner to the ordinance says it all: 'It'll be a little fun to watch one of these guys get electrocuted holding my fence trying to rob me.'"

Climate Contrarians Seek Leadership of House Science Committee 518

An article at Ars examines three members of the U.S. House of Representatives who are seeking chairmanship of its Committee on Space, Science, and Technology. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said in an interview, "My analysis is that in the global warming debate, we won. There were a lot of scientists who were just going along with the flow on the idea that mankind was causing a change in the world's climate. I think that after 10 years of debate, we can show that that there are hundreds if not thousands of scientists who have come over to being skeptics, and I don't know anyone [who was a skeptic] who became a believer in global warming." James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has a similar record of opposing climate change, as does Lamar Smith (R-TX). Relatedly, Phil Plait, a.k.a. The Bad Astronomer, has posted an article highlighting how U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate's Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, has declined to answer a question about how old the Earth is, calling it "one of the great mysteries."

Comment Re:Good for you! (Score 1) 317

Sounds like you just don't like the language you're using to program. Understandable, I'm sure you're not the only one.

Although many enjoy the challenge and have gotten past language issues long ago. That, I think, is also one of the perks of experience.

Comment strange comparison (Score 1) 293

If you have empathy for something then doesn't it mean that you've made a decision about it? If you've made a decision about it doesn't it mean that you no longer need to analyze it? So wouldn't this all mean that just the fact that you have decided to have empathy for something, you no longer need to analyze it so you can have "something else" for it?

I would say that this summary is a little (not exacly but just a little) the same as saying "when a person walks into the kitchen, they are no longer in the living room.. and vice versa".

Comment Re:Better than the unix command line? Seriously? (Score 1) 343

I've worked managing, coding for and supporting all the Windows and several Unixes over the last 20 years and while I prefer Unix generally that means nothing when I have to decide which tool to use for a job, I never diss the idea that every job needs the right tool and that Windows has its place.

I've had lots of experience with ALL the points you've made and agree with them,

One of my favorite comments is that the Linux kernel should be a star on an episode hoarders. (or as I like to refer to Linux's address: here,spaghetti land)

Comment new ideas (Score 1) 612

Hi, in your experience, for someone who has (or thinks they have) great new ideas for existing hardware or software products that are already on the market (for example an OS) but wouldn't want to just propose it to the company for fear of having the idea just stolen. Say the money for patenting is just not an option but wanting this to be something that could feed and house the family, are there avenues that you can suggest to be able to move forward?

Comment Get a feeling with wysiwyg then scrap it and code (Score 1) 342

Usually I start out with visual ides' to get a feeling of how I want the look. I spend a good amount of time with that moving things around, getting just the right colours and make sure the overall presentation is right. We all know that looks are more important that any technical person wants to admit.

Then I scrap it and code it manually once I know how I want it to be, I can change my mindset and work on fuunctionality.

I find it's very difficult to be productive when switching mindset again and again so I make sure I do it as little as possible.

Comment Re:Maybe it's up to the OS (Score 1) 233

You may be right about the others (MacOS maybe less) but there are also the androids out there where the OS trusts processes to be quiet when minimized. I'll tell you now that with thousands of apps out there, I think trust should be off by default. It's one example of how OS's haven't evolved. But you make a good point about Linux, who would want to write a virus for spaghetti userland!!

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