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Comment Re:I'm just waiting on this .info thing to peak (Score 2, Informative) 192

Just for your information, Proud Domains is using Wild West Domains, a sister company of GoDaddy, to register and manage your domains. Granted, the support you're getting is likely from people employed by or running Proud, but the actual product is still a GoDaddy-managed item. IAAWWDR (Wild West Domains Reseller)

Comment Re:Adobe.. (Score 1) 104

No, I haven't worked with any files in CS3 over 1GB in size. However, I do regularly work with TIFF files in the 300-600MB range in Photoshop 6.0, but I'm also not a print designer, by trade.

The biggest speed issue, I think, has mostly to do with disk I/O in the VM. There is a hit to that, and the more you have to do on the scratch disk or swap, the slower it will be.

For web design and general photography, I find working in a VM is adequate.

Comment Re:Adobe.. (Score 1) 104

I've run both Photoshop 6.0, Photoshop CS 3, and Lightroom in a VM running Windows XP. They work very well, given that the VM has enough memory allocated to do its job, and that the memory must not be swapped to disk by the VM host.

(I'm a VMware Workstation user--versions 6 and 7.)

Comment Re:Didn't see that one coming.... (Score 1) 83

Offtopic, but your sig is wrong. Money would be equal to Work multiplied by Knowledge.

Knowledge = Power
Time = Money
Power = Work / Time
Power = Work / Money
Knowledge = Work / Money

Solve for Money:

Knowledge = Work / Money

# Multiply both sides by Work
Work * Knowledge = Work / Money * Work

# Work / Money * Work = Money, so:
Work * Knowledge = Money
Money = Work * Knowledge


CA City Mulls Evading the Law On Red-Light Cameras 366

TechDirt is running a piece on Corona, CA, where officials are considering ignoring a California law that authorizes red-light cameras — cutting the state and the county out of their portion of the take — in order to increase the city's revenue. The story was first reported a week ago. The majority of tickets are being (automatically) issued for "California stops" before a right turn on red, which studies have shown rarely contribute to an accident. TechDirt notes the apparent unconstitutionality of what Corona proposes to do: "The problem here is that Corona is shredding the Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution, the right to a trial by jury. By reclassifying a moving violation... to an administrative violation... Corona is doing something really nefarious. In order to appeal an administrative citation you have to admit guilt, pay the full fine, and then apply for a hearing in front of an administrative official, not a judge in a court. The city could simply deny all hearings for administrative violations or schedule them far out in advance knowing full well that they have your money, which you had to pay before you could appeal."

New Phoenix BIOS Starts Windows 7 Boot In 1 Second 437

suraj.sun excerpts from a tantalizing Engadget post: "Phoenix is showing off a few interesting things at IDF, but the real standout is their new Instant Boot BIOS [video here], a highly optimized UEFI implementation that can start loading an OS in just under a second. Combined with Windows 7's optimized startup procedure, that means you're looking at incredibly short boot times — we saw a retrofitted Dell Adamo hit the Windows desktop in 20 seconds, while a Lenovo T400s with a fast SSD got there in under 10."

High-Tech Gadgets Can Pose Problems At Mexican Border 447

TechnologyResource writes "Going across the border will be a more 'interesting' experience since Customs and Border Protection will now be checking laptops, digital cameras, cell phones and any other electronics on your person or in your vehicle. It's not a new authority, according to Angelica De Cima, Office of Public Affairs Liaison 'They've always had the right to inspect your person, vehicle, baggage, anything on you. Nothing has changed from before,' De Cima said."

New Images Reveal Pure Water Ice On Mars 179

Matt_dk writes "Images of recent impact craters taken by the HiRISE Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed sub-surface water ice halfway between the north pole and the equator on Mars. While the Phoenix lander imaged subsurface ice where the top layer of soil had been disturbed at the landing site near the north pole, these new images — taken in quick succession, detecting how the ice sublimated away — are the first to show evidence of water ice at much lower latitudes. Surprisingly, the white ice may be made from 99 percent pure water."

Submission + - New Images Reveal Pure Water Ice on Mars (

Matt_dk writes: "Images of recent impact craters taken by the HiRISE Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed sub-surface water ice halfway between the north pole and the equator on Mars. While the Phoenix lander imaged subsurface ice where the top layer of soil had been disturbed at the landing site near the north pole, these new images â" taken in quick succession, detecting how the ice sublimated away â" are the first to show evidence of water ice at much lower latitudes. Surprisingly, the white ice may be made from 99 percent pure water."

Idaho Tops America's Most-Spammed States 97

An anonymous reader writes "MessageLabs unveiled a list of the top US spammed states, with surprising results — the spam capital of the US is Idaho, with 93.8 percent of spam, far exceeding the global spam rate for September 2009 of 86.4 percent. Idaho has jumped 43 spots since 2008 when it was ranked the 44th most spammed state. The difference can be attributed to the resilient and aggressive botnet market as well as a higher volume of global spam that has ensued since the beginning of the credit crisis toward the end of 2008."

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