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Comment Re:Without her permission? (Score 1) 367

I was home-schooled untli year 11. I got 96/100 in the school system, which I considered to be a pretty good score (made me about 8th in a school of 500ish). My sister came through 3 years later and got a straight 100/100. She was also home-schooled until year 11.

The plural of annecdote is still at the opinion level here. Just like any schooling - it depends more on the method of teaching and the individual student than where the schooling is.

In my case, my parents mostly just left me to my own devices. They pointed me at the enclopedia and told me that most of what I needed was in there somewhere, and showed me how to use the index. This was mostly pre-internet. They also took us to the library frequently so we could have access to more books than they could afford.

Comment Re:why not the new thing? (Score 1) 279

Fuck yeah. If I make major software changes on a server, I damn well want to reboot it and make sure it can bootstrap from scratch.

Actually, unless it was a really minor fix, I'd probably want to reinstall it from scratch. That takes ~10 minutes (bit longer these days because hardware takes so bloody long to init).

That way I know I haven't built a multi-tentacled monster of a system with cross dependencies which will never start ever again. You already need a failover plan for when (not if) you have a hardware failure, so you may as well be testing it frequently by going through said steps - and a significant upgrade is a good time to do it.

This idea of upgrading everything in random order and restarting just the affected services doesn't scale. Reinstalls all the way, baby.

Comment Re:Whats wrong with init? (Score 1) 279

"The issue with systemd: it reeks of a solution looking for a problem."

I dunno - I've rolled a bunch of stuff using daemontools, a bunch of stuff using other daemonisation techniques and a nasty complicated dependency tracking system on top of that - it's complex, but it works.

If there's a standard tool doing a significant part of that heavy lifting across all the linuxes, that's a big win in my book. I buy some of the "it's too complex" argument, but not enough to overthrow the benefits of being a standard part of my installs.

Which leaves security exposure, and that's an interesting question... but assuming it's not really awful, its ubiquity should get more eyes and more fixes than running something rare.

Comment Re:Can a bitcoin advocate explain.... (Score 3, Insightful) 149

Tell me the last time you heard a cash story that wasn't about money laundering or counterfeit cash.

Person pays person for product and/or service, everybody happy with transaction - not news.

Basically, news stories are an indication of shit that sells news - and unsurpisingly, money laundering is one of those things. So news stories are biased. You mostly hear about the things which are crap, because they're "newsworthy".


Submission + - Beta

An anonymous reader writes: Here's a story: FUCK BETA.

Comment Re:We have a term for projects like this (Score 1) 237

I would say "sunk cost falacy" is a more accurate description. They've invested a lot in it, and to hear that it's not actually what the audience AHEM content creators want is not a message that can get through. Too much invested in the shiny and the "but it's not PRETTY or ELEGANT", OMG how can anyone love something so ugly.

Submission + - /. Beta comments don't work, users upset. ( 4

magic maverick writes: Since the new /. Beta came to light, many /. users and commentators have tried it out. However, they are almost universally condemning the new commenting system. It simply isn't as good as the so called Classic system. Some users, however, haven't a bad thing to say. Mainly because they haven't had a chance to even use the new system. It simply doesn't load. One user, Magic Maverick , who lives in a third-world country with crappy Internet, had this to say:

I come to /. for the comments, but with the new Beta, I can't even see anything! It just says:

''Shazbot! We ran into some trouble getting the comments. Try again... na-nu, na-nu!

It seems like the "developers" need to take some advice from people who actually know what they are doing. I'm happy to help explain what graceful degradation means if they like...

Submission + - Dice Holdings, Inc, deleting unflattering stories from Slashdot firehose 4

An anonymous reader writes: Stories submitted to the Slashdot firehose that take a negative view on the site's redesign are being deleted. 4 hours ago, it was full of anti-beta posts. Now they are gone. That's right. A forum that usually leaves V14GRA spam in place for posterity is deleting user content.

Submission + - Slashdot goes kerplunk 4

An anonymous reader writes: dice abandons slashdot classic look forcing long-time users to abandon slashdot.

Submission + - Favourite Slashdot Memories 4

Kell Bengal writes: What are your favorite memories from the last 15+ years? Hot grits? The slashdot effect? GNAA? APK sockpuppets? Tell us what will you miss most when you move on!

Submission + - New Slashdot Beta Sucks 3

tekpagan writes: New design Beta sucks.
Boycott the site Feb 10-17th
If the beat is still here on 18th Feb do not return.
Do not fix that which is not broken.

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