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Comment Strawman massacre (Score 1) 630

Of course replacing Adobe lock-in with Apple lock-in would be dumb. HTML has 100% market share and CSS+JS are still ahead of Flash.

Jobs didn't block Flash on desktop, where Flash has high market share, so why quote that statistic? He refused to support it on mobile, where currently iOS has much higher market share than Flash.

Comment Re:Well, Opera Mini isn't strictly a browser... (Score 1) 292

> Because the bank is (presumably) chartered in the country you live in and heavily regulated, and you have recourse if they screw something up.

Indeed, Opera won't get trillion dollar bonus if they screw something up ;)

Opera is publicly traded company regulated in civilised country. They're technologically very competent, which I can't say about my bank which has JavaScript-laden IE-optimized website in 640x480 popup window.

Comment It does not violate SDK terms (Score 5, Insightful) 292

It could be accepted.

Apple forbids code interpreters other than Apple's own, BUT this is Opera Mini, not full Opera Mobile. Mini executes JavaScript server-side and only sends rendered result to the phone. There's likely no (turing-complete) interpreter on iPhone side, so it should be fine within terms of SDK.

Apple has already accepted number of WebKit-based browsers, so browsers in general aren't forbidden.

And for iPhone users, especially on EDGE, there is very good reason to use Opera Mini: it's going to be faster. iPhones before 3GS are also very low on RAM, and Safari only uses RAM for caching. Presumably Opera Mini would be able to keep many more tabs open and fully cached.

Comment Re:PHP harder to test than C++ (Score 1) 752

> But how exactly do you go about doing unit tests of the front end of a web application?

Unit testing in PHP isn't different than in other languages. You split code into testable chunks and hammer them with PHPUnit.

> due to all the javascript stuff that lives on the browser these days.

How is that related to C++/PHP? And would you just run Facebook without unit tests? (good luck!)

Anyway, for JS there's Selenium and it can integrate with PHPUnit. UI testing is difficult, and browser-hosted tests are especially fragile and finicky, but that's not PHP's fault and C++ won't fix it.

Comment Re:Interpreted Languages... (Score 1) 752

> If there is so much PHP out there, why wouldn't/couldn't there be an efficient compiler

There is PHC and Roadsend.

However there are PHP-specific problems that make it harder than it should be.

PHP's "standard library" is heavily dependent on the interpreter, so you either lug it around and maintain its state, or rewrite 5000 methods.

And there's of course eval(), extract(), dynamic include/autoload and other magic that makes static analysis pretty hard or impossible.

Comment Re:PHP harder to test than C++ (Score 1) 752

This is not a problem in PHP.

If you have editor with auto-completion, misspellings are uncommon. Other kinds of errors are caught (and logged) as soon as faulty code is executed. With short edit-run cycle it's pretty quick.

It's not perfect, but OTOH C++ compiler won't tell you about all memory leaks, dangling pointers and buffer overflows at compile time.

C++ has runtime errors too, and you won't easily get logs with line numbers where your memory corruption happened.


Palm Pre Development In the Browser 53

introspekt.i writes "Palm is building upon the Mozilla Bespin project to deliver an IDE for the Palm Pre entirely in the web browser. Apps can be developed on the server and then downloaded and deployed locally. It is an interesting tool, especially given that WebOS is so web-centric. This tool comes as a supplement to the existing development tools for Eclipse and the command line released by Palm earlier this year. The project is open to anyone who registers as a Palm developer, which is free to do."

iPhone Has 46% of Japanese Smartphone Market 214

MBCook writes "Despite claims earlier in the year that the iPhone was hated by Japanese consumers (later disproved), the iPhone has been doing well in the land of the rising sun and the evidence is in. Apple has taken 46% of the Japanese smartphone market, cutting in half the once 27% market share of the previous lead, Advance Sharp W-Zero3 (Japanese site). The article includes a large chart of the market share of Japanese smartphones over the last 3 years."

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