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Comment Re:hehe (Score 3) 163

What I find unreasonable about barring the fuel is the availability of food sources and fresh clean drinking water not to mention the endless supply of ammo that one would assume would have been used up within the first few days, weeks, months of infection let alone a few years.

They probably get the batteries from the same place they keep getting this years new cars. Every time I see one of the new vehicles I think of factories in Korea (Hyundai) filled with zombie workers pumping out new cars.

Another thing that kinda irks me is when they do supply runs, and search through say a house, why are they being so picky about only getting the specific item they are looking for? I would be raiding the cabinets, drawers and closets of any vacant house I would go into searching, taking as much as I could carry, especially when there is a whole group you are trying to support. And the stores, clear the shelves. Take everything you can carry.

Comment Re:The Shutdown is a lie (Score 1) 87

We had our insurance guy from work speak to us (I work in a healthcare environment, and several of our clients may be eligible for ACA or have questions about it) and he had mentioned that when he met with our state government, they were told that they were going to have to get their insurance through the 'marketplace'. But I've seen several other people here state that Congress was exempt, made me question if I had heard our guy correctly. I'm glad to hear someone state otherwise (and truth). When you hear the same lie over, and over, it makes you question what you think is the truth.
Hardware Hacking

Home-Built Turing Machine 123

stronghawk writes "The creator of the Nickel-O-Matic is back at it and has now built a Turing Machine from a Parallax Propeller chip-based controller, motors, a dry-erase marker and a non-infinite supply of shiny 35mm leader film. From his FAQ: 'While thinking about Turing machines I found that no one had ever actually built one, at least not one that looked like Turing's original concept (if someone does know of one, please let me know). There have been a few other physical Turing machines like the Logo of Doom, but none were immediately recognizable as Turing machines. As I am always looking for a new challenge, I set out to build what you see here.'"

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According to all the latest reports, there was no truth in any of the earlier reports.
