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Comment Re:Commercial (Score 5, Insightful) 671

Why does this have to be a hate crime?

Isn't the whole point of "equal protection under the law" to give us all the same protections of the justice system? Why should it matter who's privacy was invaded, who was beaten, or who was killed? Shouldn't all of these acts of evil be abhorrent in our society regardless of why they were committed? Isn't it hypocritical to cry for "equal rights" and then write laws which are, by definition, unequal? It's a sad, narrow minded overreaction to the injustices of the past.

Hate crime law, like the Jim Crow laws of the last century, are a backward and draconian implementation of justice and social regulation that are a slap in the face to equality. The sooner we stop drawing distinctions like these, the sooner we'll progress to a society that is open and accepting of so called "alternative lifestyles."

Incidentally, what this man did was a horrendous invasion of privacy and fully deserves to be considered a felony. He should be tried in a court of law and regardless of the outcome should be exported (obviously at the end of his sentence if found guilty).

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 6

Mr. Li is looking at this from a strongly economic point of view. California has lead the nation economically, and the quote he's referring to is that many socioeconomic policies are adopted in California before they are adopted elsewhere (generally this is in the form of heavy-handed government regulation of industry). A lot of this is because California is such a large market, companies will only retool to meet CA's requirements as they meet or exceed most other states' and federal standards.

In regards to the "future of endless referendums", Mr. Li is again referring to California, which has a somewhat broken implementation of direct democracy. This is bittersweet, because the population is often at odds with the courts and the legislature. Read about raising taxes in CA and the history behind Proposition 8. California is perhaps the best example of why democracy is bad if left unchecked (at least in the US - it looks like Greece might be the best example in Europe, if not the world). In California, and increasingly, in the US, politically "the ends always justify the means", meaning it doesn't matter what individual liberties you trample/destroy as long as you *think* it's a good idea.

I'm not sure how America is any "less democratic" now than it was, say, 30 years ago. But the population has been far more engaged and frustrated with the government in the last 10 years than in the 90s, when Americans were more cynical and apathetic. Unfortunately, I don't think the US' experiment in socialism will be over for another generation or two, so we're probably in for some rough times ahead.

What Mr. Li is ultimately referring to is optimization and the function of government (recall that "superior" is a relative term). Should your government's primary focus be protecting individual liberty (traditionally very American, somewhat libertarian), enhancing the life of all its citizens at the cost of some liberties (democratic socialism, generally European and left leaning), or national economic development (state capitalism, which the Chinese have championed and extremely right wing)? Mr. Li doesn't care about the Chinese, he cares about China.


Submission + - iPad 3 Confirmed To Have 2048x1536 Screen Resolution (

bonch writes: After months of reporting on photos of iPad 3 screen parts, MacRumors finally obtained one for themselves and examined it under a microscope, confirming that the new screens will have twice the linear resolution of the iPad 2, with a whopping 2048x1536 pixel density. Hints of the new display's resolution were found in iBooks 2, which contains hi-DPI versions of its artwork. The iPad 3 is rumored to be launching in early March.

Comment Re:Mortgage (Score 1) 651

You have an interesting definition of "fair". But that term is relative, so I'm sure it's "fair" from someone's perspective (probably the person with the least to lose and the most to gain...).

Property taxes are just the subtler, modern day equivalent of slavery. The only difference is that it applies to everyone instead of an unrepresented minority and you pay them to maintain some of your freedom. Maybe that's the "fair" part you're referring to. I'm sure your next argument is how we all have a duty to pay these taxes - you might even say we have a "social contract." A contract we never entered and can never exit. Sure sounds a lot like slavery. I wonder if africans thought the same thing 250 years ago as they watched generations of their children toil in a field for someone else's benefit? I guess I can have the pleasure of watching my future children toil in an office building for their entire life to pay off this generation's benefits. I'm sure that meets your definition of fair, too.

I bet you're the kind of person who thinks all the bank foreclosures are evil. All those poor people being evicted because they lost their job, committed fraud to obtain a loan they couldn't afford, or had fraud committed against them by predatory lenders. It sure isn't fair for them, is it? So for the few people who actually own their own homes - perhaps because their family actually built it - and lose their job in this bad economy, and can't afford to pay the government the protection^H^H^Htax money owed to it, then it's totally fair when the government seizes their home and throws them in jail, am I right?

WIth people like you around, why do we even bother calling this a "free" society?

Comment Re:Apple and Foxconn (Score 2) 193

If by "force them to do it" you mean "don't buy their products" then I'm onboard, otherwise you're just worse than the problem. And you might want to double check what protectionism is (I assume that's what you meant by "isolationism", which is fundamentally different...), because placing taxes on imported goods is pretty much what protectionism is.

Why is outsourcing everything good in the long run? Because if we didn't outsource it, you probably wouldn't be able to afford it. It's not like it's complicated; if US companies didn't/couldn't outsource, then they'd have no hope of competing with their european and asian counterparts. Period. You want to play the protectionism game? Sure, go for it. Europe and Asia will happily play that game and slap tariffs on all US goods. Do you think we can get buy as a country without the world buying our goods? Guess again, it would absolutely destroy our economy.

The sad irony is that we've always had the power of "social change", but we're too stupid as a population to us it. If you don't like something for any reason, don't buy it. If you don't think other people should buy it, tell them why. If you can't win your argument through logic and ideas and your only solution is force, you're just as bad as the barbarians who want to push creationism on this country and for the same reason. Or perhaps worse, because you seem to care but refuse any rational solution because it's not radical enough to force people to change whether they want to or not!

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 5, Interesting) 473

Any sensible man would know we shouldn't have such stupid laws. If CFLs/LEDs/etc are so superior, why do we need a law banning them? If everyone cares enough about the environment to pass a law to mandate the use of such bulbs, don't enough of us care that a law isn't necessary? The government shouldn't be passing laws for this kind of BS, guidelines and industry standard recommendations maybe, but not laws.

If you want to save electricity, how about turning off the millions of street and parking lot lights at night? How about wiring homes with DC so that damn near every piece of electric equipment doesn't have to take a >10% efficiency hit in order to operate? Or a law to limit the number of hours a TV can be used (we can all agree that that freedom isn't needed anymore, right)?

Maybe we should have laws limiting the amount of power your computer can draw or how long it can be on. Or perhaps outlaw that scourge to computer efficiency, the hard drive?

Comment Re:Not so fast (Score 2) 427

Of course everything can't be privatized; there are things that must be held in the public name or else fundamental public services would be non existant (such as courts or the military). I've never heard anyone clamoring for such an irrational view of privatization but I wouldn't put it past people. But the real reason privatization is NOT as dangerous to the common man is because 1) The government is eternal and 2) History has shown you have a lot more to fear from your government than from your asshole neighbor.

In regards to social naive were people to think that this WOULDN'T happen? I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner! You've already admitted the money "didn't belong to them" and you're right - it belonged to the people who earned it. So why isn't that money in *their* control? Why was it ever under the control of the government in the first place? (Hint: it wasn't unintentional.) Why isn't the middle ground of SS "you have to put money away for retirement, but that money is in a privately held, but federally insured account for the individual"? Heck, you could even say that the money *has* to be used to purchase US Treasuries - as a method of lending to the government to fund it while hedging against inflation.

But the whole notion of SS is fundamentally flawed - it assumes that people can't think for themselves, can't plan for their own future, and can't manage their own finances. Anyone with any sense of self worth and independence should see that for what it is: a slap in the face and a command to "obey"!

Comment Re:And So If Your Connection Is Down... (Score 1) 427

Why "minorities"? Why not just "individuals"? Isn't an "individual" the ultimate minority?

This constant obsession with protecting specific groups is a deep, fundamental flaw in your thinking that is all too common. Stop categorizing people. Rights shouldn't be based on what category you fit into, they should be based on the fact that you are an individual human being with the same rights as every other human being.

Comment Re:It already is... (Score 5, Insightful) 427

No, the US constitution was important because it put THE GOVERNMENTS rights in simple English on a sheet of paper. It's supposed to list what the government can do, not what the people can do; I say supposed to because the monstrosity of government we have now is so out of scope of the original purpose of government that it's beyond defining. The Bill of Rights (which is what you're really talking about) was an afterthought introduced by Madison because it was feared that the Constitution wasn't explicit enough, i.e., people would allow the government to grow beyond its purpose and trample certain rights were key to the revolution in the first place.

The Constitution doesn't give you freedom. It gives the government freedom. Freedom isn't given to you by your government - it's something your government is supposed to protect!

Comment Re:No, it's losing its money. (Score 1) 625

So don't work for that employer. Work for yourself or work for someone else. Start a company which reverses this trend: allow innovators to keep the right to their ideas in exchange for being reimbursed the cost of developing the technology. I hope you don't consider yourself an inventor, because quite frankly you don't seem to have the balls to handle the competition (hint: if you want the government to rewrite the rules in your favor, you're doing it wrong). If you think corporations or the government has all the power, they only do because you let them have it.

There are real benefits to having a corporation fund your work. For example, there's almost zero risk for the inventor. The company will pay for the development and marketing of your idea and absorb (or default) on the loss if it fails. Sure, you might lose your job, but you're not going to go bankrupt or lose millions (and potentially more) on an idea with no guarantee of return. Your family isn't going to starve if your idea flops, or the market dries up.

Comment Re:Ingenuity != Jobs (Score 0) 625

If you want to create jobs, do something about the whole concept of outsourcing.

Or lower the cost of labor. Not everyone in this country is going to have a high paying job and high education is not for everyone. Maybe if we spent more time on lowering the cost of living in this country then lower paying jobs wouldn't be so intolerable.

Comment Re:Diff between Greeks & Electronic Direct Dem (Score 1) 308

Well said. Right behind being popular is "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" which is absolutely contrary to the principles the US was founded on. Too many people these days think that what's good for the group is good for the individual. This is rarely the case, because it puts the government in the position of picking winners and losers, which is a position the government should not be in.

Society is not government. If government wants to implement social reform, it should do so in an open forum as an exchange between citizens and government and not merely pass laws. People keep thinking government is a tool for change when it should really be a weapon of second-to-last resort (with the last being force).

Comment You must be confused (Score 1) 380

A lot of private companies are founded by people who incubated their ideas at a university (the first startup I cofounded began at a University). Corporate innovation and development is *gasp* a group effort; you're rarely going to find single-man corporations doing anything serious in the tech world. Everyday I wake up, I go to work, where I personally consider it my *job* to make this world a better place (I'm an engineer), I pay my taxes, I love my country, and I support my community. The problem isn't with capitalism. The problem isn't even with socialism. The problem is that people are more focused on doing things at a national level instead of at a local level where they can make the biggest difference. People are fanatical about using the federal government to solve all the problems of the world. It's like using a fucking sledge hammer during open heart surgery.

Who gives a shit if we aren't the world's largest economy, or that we might be losing our "tech mojo", or that our standard of living isn't as high as the socialist paradises of Europe, or that every single child doesn't get a free college education. Let people know that this is still the freest country in the world: that people who come here get to keep what they earn, use it as they see fit, and find their own happiness. That's the only thing America needs to be #1 in. Everything else will follow.

Comment Re:But it won't, ... (Score 1) 380

Eh, I don't think being smart is considered bad in American society (plenty of popular people now are considered "smart" and have >4.0 GPAs in high school). The problem is we over-emphasize the importance of learning at a high school level in order for the young to gain entry to an overly burdened college/university system, where education is often less-emphasized relative to high school. At that level, parents generally care less about *what* their children study so long as they study *something*. I think a symptom of the problem you're trying to describe is this: parents are more concerned with which university their children go to than what they study at that university.

Comment Re:Make them safer first (Score 1) 92

I wouldn't mind a tax increase to help pay for some of these things, and I live in CA, which is already heavily taxed. Unfortunately, from a fiscal perspective, I have -zero- faith in the politicians capability to 1) Accurately estimate the cost of such a project, 2) Effectively execute and manage the project, 3) Appropriately and reasonably raise the initial funds to subsidize the project, and 4) Adjust the taxes/fees to adequately maintain the project. CA has such a poor track record that this is more a systemic failure than anything else.

That said, I'd rather see options in the cars available that include these features. I certainly don't mind paying for my own safety (and collision avoidance systems would indeed protect the safety of others as well).

Still...probably the biggest problem with American roads are the drivers, not the cars or the roads or the technology. The number of deaths could be brought down considerably if states weren't so lenient on drivers. And I'm not talking your basic speeding or stop sign rolling, but real hazards like blowing through red lights at full speed, weaving in and out of traffic on a busy freeway, or simply having no understanding of basic physics (1000 kg of steel at 100 kph has a LOT of energy). The worst offenders tend to be younger, arrogant in their thinking, misguided in their judgment, and utterly ignorant of physics.

Since you can't beat sense into reckless drivers (and boy do I wish this was possible) they should simply have the privilege of driving revoked. Less reckless drivers translates to fewer deaths, lower traffic volumes, and lower insurance premiums. Do this first and THEN evaluate whether expensive new safety mandates and technology requirements are necessary to fix public stupidity.

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