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Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 76

[Not so] simple?

I may be wrong, as the OP didn't mention budget!

However looking at their site, I'm guessing they're desperate to keep costs to an absolute minimum - correct me if I'm wrong (please), I think the S3 would be potentially quite expensive?

I *think* the OP is looking for crowd-source solutions, i.e. a way for people to run mirrors themselves whilst maintaining integrity and copyright(s).

Comment I can't enter, I'm not a US citizen - but... (Score 1) 240

...if any US citizen *does* want to enter, feel free to take my idea! (I'm sure many others have proposed it already though...) Simply a CAPTCHA, audio version. Using DTMF codes to answer. i.e. "To connect this phone call, please type the number three thousand, seven hundred and twenty two on your keypad". Known "white listed" caller IDs can skip it. It can be made harder by presenting mathematics or asking "Please type on your keypad the number of duck quacks you hear ... woof quack moo quack woof." Etc.

Comment Re:roundcube squirrelmail (Score 1) 554

+1 parent. I've been using RoundCube for some time (3 - 4 years?), it's used both my myself (as a technical person) and many non-technical people, it both "gets on with the job" and provides a glossy UI for doing it (by glossy, I mean it's pretty and it shows similarity to popular desktop environments, like Windows, Gnome, KDE and OSX - drag/drop, buttons, scrolly bits, HTML previews, WYSIWYG editors, etc). It's only a web UI for IMAP though, so you're still going to need something powerful on the back-end for spam etc. For an MTA (email server), I use Courier-MTA. The whole lot can be installed on Debian (£30 a month dedicated server, or less for a virtual/home hosted option) in a day, there after I can honestly say you rarely have to touch it. Happy to provide help if you want it ... http://matt.matzi.org.uk/

Comment Re:TrueCrypt (Score 1) 123

You've been modded down - I think that's a shame. You've made a discussion point - and been penalised for it.

What such tools would you suggest? Your last two linked articles don't work for me - could you summarise their content?

I suggested TrueCrypt because the NHS in the UK use it quite a bit (so I'm informed), for a free product (and one which I believe the source code is available for) it does the job quite nicely IMHO.

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