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Comment Re:Swirly flat pancake thing... (Score 1) 412

The dark matter in the universe started with a random fluctuation field - see the pictures of the cosmic background radiation. The random distribution gives a tidal torque on matter, giving it angular momentum. As the dark matter collapses into smaller and smaller regions, the angular momentum is conserved. When smaller sub-units of matter collide together the momentum will also build up. See Peebles 1969 for one of the first papers.

Comment Re:Security question (Score 1) 257

Facebook is guilty as well - I have a choice of 4 questions - name of 1st grade teacher - can't remember - city or town mother was born in - too obvious - last 5 characters of driver's license - okay question probably - street you lived on when you were 8 - not appropriate for me. Why can't I choose something better than this?

Comment Found one in a backup containing a backup - 1993 (Score 1) 375

I found some of my Modula 2 code from 1993 in an ancient zip file inside a tar.gz file. Unfortunately that code references files in the directory of an older version of that program from 1991ish which I don't have. I do have a load of files stranded on Amstrad 3 inch PCW disks. I wonder whether those work at all?

Comment Re:Seems reasonable (Score 1) 505

It's fine to give code to referees who want to see it under peer review. I have no problems with that.

If you release code more generally, you need to support it. You will get questions. If you don't answer them, your work will be brought into question. What's this thing about "working as advertised"? Scientific code is quite often written to be used for a short time on specific inputs on a specific computer system. It won't "work as advertised" without a lot of support and hand-holding.

By assumptions, I mean things such as filename standards, format of data, and so on. These aren't scientific assumptions, but assumptions of the code itself, so are different things.

And keeping code private isn't to stop people reproducing what you did, but to not allow others an advantage in an area you are working on.

Reproduction of results is about independent verification anyway, so they probably should be starting with the raw data and not working with an existing code.

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