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Comment Re:someday soon the crazy anthrax people (Score 1) 189

the operating range of a suspect in brown shorts and shirt outfit delivering a package manually is immediate proximity only, with likely video surveillance and eye witness identification.

the delivery range of a rogue drone carrying a dirty bomb or biological agent is 10 miles.

im pretty sure there is a difference

Comment someday soon the crazy anthrax people (Score 2) 189

are going to throw a party all over this country. once drones are the accepted process, anyone with a radio and a look alike amazombie will be able to deposit malicious packages just about anywhere, fly it into a river, and be out of there before something blows up. I will feel slightly better receiving a package that i know was at least exposed to one other person before me.

Comment Re:The Cake: Not A Lie (Score 1) 81

eggs? toast? chicken? wine? that sounds like actual food items

for profitable grocery items that actual move you need to follow the nearest child to their favorite section where capn crunch, eggos, pop tarts, fruit rollups and oreos live. you look at all that crap and tell me it cant just be printed on demand to the same effect.

Comment Re:/Thread (Score 1) 79

seriously that is exactly what i thought reading the title, theres matter in liquid form and gravity so what, but i clicked on it hoping that there was new innovation in video cards.

this outdoors shit...

Comment Re:An Understatement (Score 2) 299

it is exactly how i feel, my every last moment is jammed packed, one second smashed up tightly against the next. Projects at work i have to put away for the projects i have to hit at home, and then the weekend its mostly just deciding in what environment im going to pound the shit out of my keyboard on the next project.

Seriously i do not understand people who have technical training and abilities and not spasm out at the endless possibilities of things that need to be built immediately... i likely have less then a hundred years to live and im panicked at what i know will not get done.

and then theres the family and relatives constantly coming over that need help with their laptop/website/wordpress...

cant you all just leave me alone im busy

Comment Re:Spoiler alert: no. (Score 1) 335

amazing machines can be had in the 600-800 that give you hardware already outclassing xbox dumb. If your going to make the investment at all why half ass it? For that much more you open the world up, you can have any major title plus all the random shit people have put online, free mmos, games in beta, sales on steam, and you dodge out of the way of some crazy things that happen on consoles that nobody can do anything about (dont skyrim saves on ps3 crash out at some point?). Patches for games with problems can be instantly available. Mods for games can make something as old as morrowind still relevant and beautiful today. In fact most games you have played on a console look absolutely nothing like the pc version.

PLUS, i really dont get the type of person that plays these games and not for a minute wants to see what they look like on the inside. Do you know want to open the tes editor once and poke around? Download the latest versions of UDK or Unity? Or check out the latest open sourced code from older games? Your xbox dumb going to give you that?

Really if games dont matter to you that much why do you bother at all? I just dont get it. If you cant afford just THAT little bit more shouldn't you really be better off working a second job instead of sitting around just mindlessly wasting time?

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 1) 374

"as effective as FireBug and the Chrome"

okay so i never figured out how to track ajax activity with IE toolbar the way firebug and chrome does. there is also nothing available for the toolbar that works like firephp does with firebug and chrome. Is this still the case? The data management applications i work on are nothing but a div fed with a stream of content and interactions from the server fed through ajax so its kind of important.

The last time i tried to use IE toolbar for this the most it would let me do is look at styling issues on the initial source loaded - that one div - and it was unaware of all the changes taking place in dom from minute to minute. Firebug and chrome are great for this sort of thing though i prefer firebug. But sometimes IE has quirks that i need to analyze. Would be nice if that toolbar could help.

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