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Comment Re:Not sure which is news... (Score 1) 122

Well, a lot of people and institutions can't handle tech...government being one of those. With competition, at least when one fails someone else could theoretically pick up the slack. Government solutions suffer from the same problem monopolistic solutions suffer. Sure, they can do it cheaper, but without any competition in place, how do you keep prices and quality in check, let alone know they are out-of-whack?

Comment Re:Step 1, open up the bidding process completely (Score 1) 494

If that is the way your pay is structured. When it is, I see most employees charging 40 hrs regardless of whether they worked 36 or 44 hours. It is disheartening. Not to mention it completely screws up the metrics.

When a manager tells me to charge 40 when I work 48, I refuse. If they want to hit their budget/numbers, then I usually work in a paid day off, because they can't stomach reporting the actual numbers. I had one that tried to force me. I took it to the ethics department. It was squashed immediately.

Comment Re:Booze Bus (Score 1) 783

Highway driving culture is much more mono-cultured. I am specifically talking about city street driving. In Newark, rules aren't followed. It goes FAR beyond driving. They don't follow much of any rules at all in life.

Around roads themselves: they don't wait at a red light; they run it. People don't use crosswalks; nor do they run across the street or even look before crossing. They just leisurely cross, like they actually want to get hit by a car...which is probably the case. When driving, they make maneuvers much like people crossing streets...they want to get hit. It is the only way to describe what they are doing. Like turning left from the right lane on a 4 lane road, but flooring it to get ahead of the other 3 lanes to their left. They will pass you at traffic lights because there is a little extra room to the side. They will pass you at stop signs because you had the audacity to stop. And don't get me started with parking rules...

Comment Re:Booze Bus (Score 1) 783

As you stated, the GP must have driven in the northeast. And then (s)he decided to make that claim on the 99.999% of the other roads in the country.

I've noticed that people in Boston, NYC, and some surrounding cities (like Newark & Jersey City) do not follow rules. Rules are only a guide. And scratches on cars have no value. It is something that just happens. So they just drive really close and possibly bump you. They feel it is like a tap on the shoulder and not a violation. It is all within their context. I guess they are used to it and feel it is normal.

Meanwhile, most everywhere else in the country, including nearby Albany and Philadelphia, people at least make it look like they are following the rules. And then when you hit the mid-west, they strictly follow the rules (outside of the universally accepted idea of going 10 over the speed limit). If you go south, they drive like they have nowhere to go and no timetable of getting there. I would rather drive around people in Boston than deal with that...

Comment Re:A new clause needed for "public service" (Score 1) 242

I think this would pass a public vote at 90%+. It would pass a Democrat or Republic party insiders' vote by 10%. And the only ones allowed to make that vote are the party insiders.

You have to have the people (not state politics) form a Constitutional Convention to pass it as a Federal amendment. This same thing should apply to Congress people, Supreme Court members, Presidents, Secretary of X, etc...

Comment Re:Sabotage (Score 1) 786

That would have done very little to stop NASA. Sure, delay the launch. It would still happen in due time. They took a more agile approach. Learn how to launch; learn how to orbit; learn how to go around the moon; learn out the land on the moon. With this exchange it is like they built and it pulled a Microsoft of 15 years ago...just went live with the alpha release.

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