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Comment Re:No overlap for mindshare (Score 1) 319

I was aware of ms 'support' for node.js. I tried to use it about a year ago and it was buggy enough that I decided I couldn't trust it for anything associated with a paycheck. I think MS is 'embracing' it because they are scared of it and don't know what else to do. If node does gain in popularity, MS will just be one of many vendors for it and the profit margins they are used to will no longer be there. And I'm still waiting for MS to support JSON in MSSQL (just had to get that off my chest). As for your comment about DHTML and DOM being 20 yrs old, JQuery came out in 2007-2008 because of the failures to fix browser compatibility problems. And I never said node had anything to do with fixing browser compatibility, its just Node is not worth much without it. I think the whole stack, javascript + html5 browser, node.js server has great potential for CS education. they just need to improve some of the object oriented capabilities in javascript.

Comment Re:No overlap for mindshare (Score 2) 319

I think node.js has Microsoft scared. .net is setup to allow mostly server side code spit out bland, minimal html and work on any browser. but browsers are becoming standardized so javascript acting on the DOM is portable across browsers. node.js on the server, javascript and html on the client has the potential to make .net irrelevant. I'm surprised node.js didn't come along awhile ago, but it would have been useless without html 5 and cross browser support for javascript.

Comment Re:Monitor, not TV (Score 1) 330

I agree with parent. 720 projectors are great. I have both a lcd tv and projector in my basement. I can pull the screen down infront of the tv and watch the projector instead. I greatly prefer the projector for movies. partly the bigger screen, but also the 'mat' look of the projector screen looks more realistic than the 'glossy' or I call it 'wet' look of an lcd. Often with the projector I have to go back in a movie and watch scenes again because I was so lost in the picture. never happened on the lcd tv (Samsung).

Comment Biofuel Refinery Process not so pretty (Score 1) 56

I'd like to see whole biofuel process end to end to better understand how green it really is. Biofuel might look pretty growing in the field, but i'll bet the refinery process is as big ugly, industrial as the petro refinery process. There was a 60 minutes show one time where they showed glycerin being dumped from a biofuel refinery into a stream. Glycerin is not toxic but the concentration was so high the fish and everything else in the stream were suffocating.

Comment Re:Hyperbole Sunday (Score 1) 227

I'm also not interested in watching a whole game played but do enjoy great plays. I've often thought about an app that turns a game into a graph. time along the x-axis and score on y. user can select an interval where points are scored and see the video. the x axis can have a lot of things, like yards gained. Even things like volume of crowd roar could be graphed on the y axis. I've brought this up to sports enthusiasts and they generally have no interest. once the game is over they could care less. how it unfolds in realtime is the only thing that is important to them. The other issue is NFL owns the video so I couldn't do anything with the app without working through them. I haven't looked around much lately either, something like that could exist now.

Comment Re:Photosynthetic efficiency vs Photovoltaic effic (Score 1) 224

the processes to turn biomass into biofuel are anything but eco-local-natural. when scaled out they will look as bad as the current petro-industry. As far as storage goes, the power grid is a very practical way to store solar power, especially since daytime is peak electrical usage.

Comment Re:Hardware-Software Synergy (Score 1) 458

I think its a double edge sword that makes Apple double the profit and then some. Also, the technologies advancements that windows hardware manufactures innovate aren't exclusive to Microsoft. Especially since Apple has switched from PowerPC to x86, Apple now can leverage all windows hardware advances.

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