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Comment Re:How To Make PC Gaming Better (Score 2) 337

why don't you first convince Nvidia to make their drivers install the first time without issue.

Valve is working on this. The Linux version of Steam is in beta right now , and NVIDIA has been pumping out press releases about their partnership with Valve on Linux for the last few months.

For the last decade (literally), people have been saying that the only reason why there's no games for Linux is because it's a chicken-and-egg problem - there's no games because there's no hardware support, and there's no hardware support because there's no games. Now Microsoft, with Windows 8 (and its built-in Steam competitor) has pissed off the Gaben, and I think things will change soon.

Valve throwing their weight behind it is probably going to make a lot of headway towards solving the problem within a few years; they have enough pull with both the chicken and the egg that they can encourage developers to support Linux, and hardware manufacturers to write proper drivers.

Comment Re:Uhh, phones != profit... (Score 1) 601

What's especially sad is that Elop's Nokia tried to fight Apple in that battleground - they essentially ditched all their low-end phones (which were essentially the lifeblood of third-world telecommunications) in order to try and imitate Apple except with Windows Phone.

It's so stupid. They were ahead of their time (my N900 is still a good phone, despite only having a single core 600 MHz CPU and no multi-touch), and they gave it all up because of an evil brain parasite.

Comment Re:yes it can (Score 1) 317

That's why it's so sad (and incredibly weird until you realize Elop came from MSFT) that Nokia dropped their next-gen smartphone OS; it would have been quite a bit ahead of Android, and their maps applications rival Google's (offline maps? hell yes).

I mean, my Nokia N900 (from which I'm writing this post in fact) is almost as good as any phone currently on the market; give it some modern phone hardware, and it would have rocked worlds.

Comment Re:A religion is just a set of beliefs (Score 2) 1160

Well see the thing is, there's an understanding mismatch between the West and the Middle East.

See, here, we have freedom of speech. We know we have freedom of speech, and we know everyone else has it too.

Therefore, when one jackass makes a hilaribad video calling Muhammed a pedophile (and tbh he had a 9 year old wife, that's a pretty strong argument), we know it's just this one jackass making waves.

Over there, they don't have freedom of speech (unless they're really rich and/or privileged, who incidentally aren't the people flipping out). All the media they see is official gov't crap, never just individual citizen's opinions.

Therefore, when they see that jackass's hilaribad video calling Muhammed (peace be upon him) a pedophile, they think it's official US Gov't propaganda. Why would the USA have allowed this video onto the internets if our government didn't endorse it's views?

So essentially, the reason why the population of these countries gets so upset at a crank's video is because they don't realize it's just a crank, they think it's an official statement by the USA.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1160

Oh my god stop reading David Barton and maybe pick up an actual history book sometime - the people who founded this nation were as irreligious as a person could be before there was a naturalistic theory of how animals got to be the way they are.

Jefferson famiously cut out all the miracles in the Bible (including the Resurrection), and James Madison, the father of the Constitution, was integral in setting up the separation of Church and State (and I don't mean that the State can't interfere with the Church, which is how you guys somehow decide to interpret it, but that the Church can't interfere with the State).

And that's not even gtting in to the insanity that they "grounded all of those concepts in a God", because that is some serious, weapons grade historical revisionism right there.

Comment Re:the easiest way (Score 1) 717

Unemployment is low and dropping because labor force participation rate is dropping even faster. Eventually none of us will have jobs...

Yeah, because we'll all be retired like the baby boomers or still in school like their grandkids.

This is what happens when your workforce gets old, Japan's seen the same thing over the last decade.

Comment Re:Make it illegal (Score 1) 1199

Again, not arguing the case one way or the other here, but when you think about it from from their point of view (abortion == murder), at least their strong stance is understandable.

No it isn't, because the majority of the time these people who are anti-abortion are also pro-death penalty. Their stance is not internally consistent.

Comment Re:But that's not the real problem. (Score 1) 1651

The problem is that you get a crappy mountain bike with terrible fat high rolling resistance tires that roll to a stop in about 20 ft.

Not only that, but have you seen the brakes on those things? It's literally a pair of rubber bits tied to a wire, that clamp down because the wire is pulling them up - like this, except not as fancy.

Those brakes have so little stopping power they won't even keep you from pushing the bike!

Those things are death traps. I don't know why anyone would sell them, much less buy them.

Comment Re:Summarized (Score 1) 487

The whole article could be summarized like this: "We have no fucking clue how to manage rockstar developers".

Actually I think it's even worse than that - notice that as soon as the author gets into the meat of the article, it transforms from "rockstar developers" to "senior developers".

The two terms are not interchangeable. A "senior developer" has spent many years in the field, a "rockstar developer" is someone who fits the 10x productivity rule. Although he mentions it in passing, this is the fundamental problem with the article: being a "senior developer" affects your productivity by maybe 1.5x - 2x; being good at programming affects your productivity by 0x-10x.

If you tell your HR department you need to hire ten "senior programmers", you're probably not going to get any sort of rockstar programmers out of it; the rockstars are already employed, and you're not going to find them just because you want them to be there. You're just going to get a bunch people with ten year's experience who aren't very good at what they do (which is why they're looking for a job).

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