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Comment Re:Opportunity (Score 1) 279

Why is Google the villain? What if we put it this way?

"The whole reason they dropped Google Maps was that their contract with Google was up, and Apple wouldn't renew it on terms acceptable by Google. It wasn't about "supporting" or "helping" Google, it was entirely about what Apple was asking in return for allowing Google Maps in their OS"
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Submission + - Austrian Man Raided For Running Tor Node Exit ( 5

An anonymous reader writes: From William, the man affected: "Yes, it happened to me now as well — Yesterday i got raided for someone sharing child pornography over one of my Tor exits.

I'm good so far, not in jail, but all my computers and hardware have been confiscated.

If convicted i could face up to 6 years in jail, of course i do not want that and i also want to try to set a legal base for running Tor exit nodes in Austria or even the EU.

Comment Re:better yet (Score 2) 534

Hitler's stated goal, publicly available years before the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (which, to be fair, was not an Alliance, but a non-aggression pact. Yes, he still broke it, but Hitler did not betray his allies, Italy, Romania, Japan, among others), was to get some lebensraum at the expense of the Soviet Union. There was nothing to be gained invading the British Isles instead.

Hitler hoped that a peace could be worked out with the West as late as after defeating France. There's a reason he let 300.000 soldiers from the BEF escape in Dunkirk: he didn't want to hurt British pride so much as to make a deal afterwards impossible.

Comment Re:Fascist bloodlust (Score 2) 380

And what about the Afghan informants who got murdered by the Taliban as soon as they got their hands on the lists of names from Wikileaks? And who knows how many coalition soldiers have gotten killed as a result of the insight those leaks gave the Taliban and others into our operations?

Did that even happen? Got any links? I doubt it, but I'm always willing to analyze evidence.

Comment Re:I'd rather have America in control of the inter (Score 2) 150


the government put Mehanna away for ... translating a book (a 2003 Saudi text, 39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad, that was "intended to incite people to engage in violent jihad"); distributing a video showing the brutal treatment of dead U.S. military personnel in retaliation for a rape in Iraq; and giving a friend a film about jihadi fighters...

Sentenced to 17.5 years in prison for spreading information. Sorry for bursting your bubble, but it had to be done. The US of A you think about it doesn't exist anymore.

Comment Re:Anonymity (Score 1) 341

I used to take for granted that anonymity was the main culprit, until a couple of years ago when many news websites started incorporating facebook hosted comments. Now most of this commenters have their real name exposed, and yet they're still as rude and irrational as the most anonymous of cowards.

So there must be something besides anonymity... perhaps the fluoride in the water or something.

Comment Re:subsidize phone calls (Score 1) 177

...I recently read an article (sorry I didn't think to save the bookmark)...

Seriously? If you remember just a single phrase (four or five words together), let alone the title of the article, Google will "remember" the article for you. Are you really saying you can't recolect a single phrase from it?

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