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Comment Re:Why..? (Score 1) 266

Maybe to catch up to IE 9? Nine is higher than four, so regular users think that IE must be more mature and feature complete. We'll see what happens when Microsoft decides to change to IE XP or some other version identifier that Mozilla won't be able to copy.

Comment Re:How do they plan for this to work (Score 1) 469

Netflix is getting there. There is no incentive to even copy the movies when I can just stream at a moment's notice, or just have the disk in a day or two. Why the studios are playing games with not allowing Netflix's entire library to be streaming or making Netflix wait 30 days after releases is beyond me. Costs are less for all parties, easier for me to stream means easier for me to watch and pay (via subscription) royalties, Netflix doesn't have to mail me anything... Win Win.

Comment Re:The new plan is a really bad idea (Score 1) 514

I agree, isn't the entire point of the Iphone to be the multimedia anything, information at your fingertips, everything anywhere device? I use my (winmo) smart phone for work email, internet radio while driving, and occasional web and you-tube. I use 2.5 GB a month. And I think i'm a "light" user. I'm not sitting there with bit torrent running on my phone, and i think the ISP should disconnect someone (on a mobile ISP) if that is what a user is doing. But using the phone for what its for is absurd. This is what the Iphone is meant for. Rich, live, multimedia. AT&T is unable to provide the infrastructure to feed it, so they just say, yeah buy this awesome expensive new phone, but don't use it please! I also wonder if this is a way for them to axe VOIP before someone comes up with something stupid easy for anyone to use on any phone.

And what is worse is most of the Iphone people i talk to think this is fair. "well you should be using WiFi anyway". If there wasn't enough of a reason to not choose AT&T, this should seal the deal. I would recommend Sprint or VZW to anyone. And I hope they destroy AT&T in the advertisements with this.

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