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Protein Gel Quickly Stops Bleeding 167

Stefan vd Linden writes, "An international team of scientists has discovered a substance to heal bleeding wounds within seconds. They're using a solution of protein molecules that self-organizes into a biodegradable gel. Until now they've only tested it on animals, but the tests were highly successful. From the article: 'Some surgeons are already excited about the material. "I see great potential in the eye field, the gastro-intestinal field, and in neurosurgery," says Dimitri Azar, head of ophthalmology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, US. "In the eye, even a drop of blood will blur your vision for a long time," Azar adds. "A material that would stop the bleeding could lead to a paradigm shift in how we practice surgery in the eye."'"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Bienvenidos

Hi. This is my first journal post. I'm now at Seminis on my "office" (it's the Server Room. I live at 18C every hour, every day). Yesterday, a Telephone Central was installed. I recently hacked it, and now I have my own extension :-P My boss liked the idea to being able to call me more easy, so now I have the 116 number :)

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
