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Comment Re:call me skeptical (Score 1) 360

contradict the fast that we have not had any rising in the past 20 years according to these same people? They call it the "warming hiatus"

I think you have to say 19 years for that cherry-picked date-range statement to be true.

Of course, even that isn't accurate anymore given the article. Maybe you should stop repeating it.

Comment Re:Honest question. (Score 0) 479

What do you see? ENDLESS articles about how terrible the industry is, how sexist nerds are, how you'll be threatened with rape if you so much as write an Android Pac Man clone...

And then they come onto a supposedly technical site like this one, read a thread about 'diversity', and have all of those preconceptions validated.

Comment Re:Tight Oil Recovery Operations will slow (Score 1) 441

The many thousands of wells that are/were planned for completion will simply be postponed until the market responds more favorably, but don't kid yourself, they will become feasible again at some point.

That's probably a good thing though. The rate of expansion during the last few years was crazy and obviously not sustainable. I'm not opposed to fracking until we see some more evidence of harm. But, that reckless of an expansion probably isn't a good idea either.

Comment Re:Sad to hear (Score 1) 314

I know the fashionable thing to do is to bash Radioshack, but there really isn't a brick and mortar that still sells components for tinkerers.

If you are near a Fry's they still have a decent selection. Now I'm in CO and can drive to Sparkfun if necessary.

I've built up a pretty good kit now and am better at planning ahead with some experience so I find that I need emergency supplies much less. I have never actually driven to the Sparkfun location.

Comment Re:Tell me it ain't so, Elon! (Score 1) 181

Of course through the effects of corporate self-interest, consumers got cheaper gas than they could from your father's rip-off gas station...

Only until his father's gas station is out of business. Then Standard Oil ......ack....I mean Texaco jacks the prices up and nobody gets cheap gas.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 319

In the US? The only legal limits we have on free speech here are:
1. Speech that directly and immediately puts human lives in danger (The old, yelling fire in a crowded theater, thing.)
2. Slander... and this isn't unprotected, it's just that you can be sued for liable for making things up. And slander in the US has a much different definition here than it does in the UK.
3. Those limits imposed by society. i.e. I'm not allowed to make wiener jokes around my wife's friends. But this isn't a legal limitation, it's a "I don't want to get hit with pots and pans" limitation.

Don't forget #4. It is illegal in the US to tell someone how to defeat copy-protection.

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