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Comment Re:oh darn (Score 1) 522

How is that different from feeding some disgusting old lard-arse who could never get a real meal because you need the money?

A friend of mine once told me that she was asked to take care of elderly people, she would need to feed them, clean their (you know what), etc, and was expected to do all this for even less than the federal minimum.

May be we really should be outlawing those jobs too?

Comment Re:oh darn (Score 2, Insightful) 522

(Hint - guys, she's DOESN'T like you.)

* So that's why some (granted, *very* few, but the number is still non-zero) of them stop whatever they are doing and jump to me to hug me and kiss me the very moment I step in the establishment.

* One of them asked me to take her home, and then wanted to do me, *no* charge. She even at one point danced for me, knowing that I already had run out of money, and just threw a napkin to her pile of cash, so to make the other patrons believe that I tipped her.

Some of them actually enjoy "serving" some of their *paying* customers, and some times, well, they have to eat and pay their bills, so they *have* to ask their customers for money, no matter how much they like them.

Comment Re:Checks (Score 1) 494

My bank gives me a checking account + Visa debit card for $5 a month, the credit union where I do hold a savings account gives you a checking account + ATM (eg, not Visa nor Master Card debit cards) card for $8 a month (haven't checked their competitors, though).

Comment Re:I haven't seen it (Score 1) 275

If you want to see it that bad, go by yourself. Enjoy the crowds of obnoxious people, screaming babies, filthy floors, cramped seats, blocked views, terrible traffic, and insufficient parking. Yeah, nobody wants to go to the cinema anymore because of crappy cam torrents.

Here in Puerto Rico I paid $3.75 (matinee) the second day of release, the theather was almost empty with plenty of parking (it's in a shopping center), and nice and clean. Nowhere near the experience you describe.

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