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Comment My data, my self (Score 1) 201

If I die before 2045, then the important data (financial, insurance, and so on) will be available to my next of kin by virtue of their being my legal next of kin. The ultimately unimportant data (slashdot, sourceforge, boingboing) will just float around, accumulating bit rot.

If I reach 2045, then most likely I will not die, and my data and my self will be one and the same :)

Comment Documentation (Score 1) 283

I've found that the best way to help an open source project is with documentation. Not necessarily user manuals, but just code commenting. There's plenty of code that has zero explanation about what a particular function does, or how it works. If you've found a project that fits this, then start working on documentation so that (a) you will understand what the code does, (b) everyone else following you will understand what the code does, and (c) the developers themselves will understand what the code does, because sometimes you find bugs just by trying to figure out what the code does. That being said, (warning: personal opinion ahead) I second the opinion that you should stay away from template classes. There are plenty of worthy numerical projects out there that do not rely on a maze of twisty little code fragments, all alike.

Comment Re:World War III (Score 1) 322

Israel has had nuclear capabilities (~20 bombs) during the '73 war and did not use it, even though the Arab military success at the beginning of the war was definitely more than "very little provocation".

Probably because they didn't need to. Israel counterattacked with conventional weapons so successfully that they were forced to give up the land they gained. It was a complete rout.

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According to all the latest reports, there was no truth in any of the earlier reports.
