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Comment Re:After the fertilizer hits the ventilator (Score 1) 124

There IS measurable profit and increase in productivity, which will lead to increase in share price.
Once you realize a grid is down, and you are losing money to a preventable issue, you will be able to determine the cost.
Of course this is reactive thinking instead of forward thinking, something only money grubbing corps do.
Productivity is increased or recoupped because you arent hiring people to chase after viruses, paying OT to people fixing something in the middle of the night, and losing time on their work because of all of this.
I mean seriously, it takes 5 seconds of forethought to know how to "measure" this.

Comment Re:Old School B-) (Score 5, Insightful) 429

As utterly useless as this saying is, because it is so general I would say at least keep your wits. Because a moron reacts to changes moronically.
Such as buying a gadget without anyone fully understanding its usage or potential (tablet), or perhaps buying something because others have it (rasberry pi).
The Tablet is a niche market that exploded, because the niche is pretty large (all sales people and children under 12). it will settle down, and will not take away the desktop or laptop. It wont take away servers or networking, and it wont do anything to programming.
Evaluate items based on what they are and what they bring. Fearing technology? no... fearing things that lock you down or keep you walled in some sort of garden preventing you from reaching your potential or the devices potential... yes, very much yes.

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