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Journal Journal: UDB's many facets

What I don't understand is how some trolling Slashdotters can pass off as being around 50 different occupations. For example, the user unterderbrucke. In this one, he claims to be the head of a non-profit group. In another, he's a former record company employee. Here, he is a police officer. For one thing, this is admirable trolling, but can't we find methods of trolling without using multiple occupations? Be creative!

Let me reiterate, Unterderbrucke is a good slashdotter, and just an example of this horrendous phenomena of schizophrenic occupations.

Journal Journal: More Rantings

Yet another example of the moderation system's wackiness. Granted, the comment was a mistake by me, but having Overrated and Underrated on the same comment?? C'mon.

my sentiments exactly

Journal Journal: Modding System 12

WHY does this qualify me as a troll? I was just trying to make a funny comment. Sure, it wasn't funny at all, but then don't mod it down for TROLLING if it isn't a troll. Wait, let me go find out what a troll is. This site (and yes it's on aol, not my site) defines trolls as "people who delight in sowing discord on the Internet. [They] try to start arguments and upset people." Was I trying to upset anyone??? No. The Free Online Dictionary of Computing describes a troll this way: "Trolling aims to elicit an emotional reaction from those with a hair-trigger on the reply key." Now let's look at some of my other posts. This is not a troll, it's an observation which I still believe to be true. How that is trolling I have no idea whatsoever. If anything is trolling there, it's the guy in the replied post calling me a retard. I admit that this is an obvious troll, but it was my first FP ever, I couldn't resist (lame excuse I know). To end this rant, we'll examine this can someone please explain the redundancy to me?? Sure, it's redundant that Searchking does to Google what Google did to Searchking, but wasn't that the whole idea??

This is officially pissing me off.

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