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Comment Re:Girls and Gays (Score 4, Insightful) 207

Dude! I think you are greatly exaggerating the geek stereotype here. Specs like that are for some very intensive stuff, like a rendering machine or something. The fact that you conveniently forgot to tell us what you are doing with this machine makes me believe that *you* are the supposed geek that just like to brag about their computer penis size^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hspecs.

I'm a long time gentoo user and even I don't see the need to upgrade to a quad core, despite having to compile stuff all the time. It could go faster, but right now I think it's fast enough and so not worth the money to upgrade the mobo+RAM+CPU. I even do a bit of video compression and run some virtual machines. You know what? I'm still on a *single* core cpu! OMG I'm so un-l33t or whatever...

And 9TB of drive space? What are you storing anyway? I have quite few video and music and I'm still below 2TB, backups included.

I think you just made those up just to prove a point, dude. Laptops are just fine, save for the small screen and even then you can always hook your laptop to another one when at home.

And please stop using the term gay in a derogative way, it's just so very immature.

Comment Re:Multiple interpretations (Score 2, Insightful) 542

The parent said "making good playable games is less profitable than making lousy games with pretty graphics", I don't think he meant pitching old games from the 90s against what you find in the current generation.

World of Goo was an awesome game and its gameplay didn't seem dated, nor was there some feature you feel was missing. It still feels like a modern game, despite not being a polygon powerhouse.

Currently there is an obsession with triple A games in the industry that go way beyond my comprehension. Everything is hype with graphics, most of the time to the detriment of gameplay, scenario and (the biggest blunder of all) art direction. Because everything now as to be REALISTISTIC!

So back to the original point, no, I don't think it's piracy that prevent good game from seeing the light of the day. It just doesn't sell as much and therefore is too risky. And the gaming industry has severe allergy problem with risk.

Comment Re:No sense... (Score 1) 541

No wonder you're surprised, everybody was when they first got a favourable ruling from the ontario court to shut down the operation of the very useful allo-stop ( service. It still exist in other part of canada, especially in Quebec. You just give them a phone call and say where you want to go. If they have someone going there, they hook you up the the driver. You paid a fee to allo-stop, and another to the driver. A Montreal-Quebec trip will only set you back 17$ last I recalled instead of 35$+ if you take the bus. I can't believed they can get away with 'unfair competition'. FUCK THEM!
First Person Shooters (Games)

Submission + - DNF Teaser Video to be released 19/12 (

An anonymous reader writes: DNF Teaser Video coming tomorrow

Last Saturday we had our annual company Christmas party. It was a lot of fun as usual but it featured one special surprise. It turns out that several people had been secretly working late nights and into the wee hours of the morning preparing a special video for those at the party. They created a short teaser for Duke Nukem Forever.

After seeing the teaser we thought it was something we should share with all of you and while it's just a teaser, rest assured more is coming.

Tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th, around noon CST, we will release the first teaser trailer from Duke Nukem Forever. To tide you over until then, there has been a screen shot taken from the teaser and posted in our forums. Check it out here (

Thank you for being fans of the game and for your continued patience.

We'd like to thank the people on the team that worked so hard to create this teaser and the friends of 3DR that helped create it (Jeremy Soule and Julian Soule, Frank Bry, Jason Evigan and of course, Jon St. John).

Christmas Cheer

Submission + - DNF Trailer to released 12/19/07 at 12 PM CST (

Masterwinks writes: The long awaited sequel to Duke Nukem 3D (1996) is finally being revealed for the first time in almost 7 years. Duke Nukem Forever will be formally revealed in a teaser trailer Wednesday December 19, 2007 at approximately 12 Noon US Central Time.
From 3D Realms Home Site:
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th, around noon CST, we will release the first teaser trailer from Duke Nukem Forever. To tide you over until then, there has been a screen shot taken from the teaser and posted in our forums. Check it out here.

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