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Comment Re:IOW (Score 1) 320

Still paying the early adopter $25/m on Virgin Mobile...the data speeds are excellent, I've never hit a bandwidth cap, and since I use my phone more as a portable computer than a, well, phone, the small number of minutes on it isn't an issue. The fact that contract plans usually charge what I'm paying total to add a limited amount of data boggles my mind.

Comment Re:FTA (Score 1) 845

Gotta call you out on that one. States like mine (SC) still have to abide by the Federal Minimum Wage. So as long as you're not working in a restaurant, you can expect at least $8.15/hour, with real wages usually around $9-$10/hour unless you're just starting out or your employer really just doesn't care about who they hire. People who get stuck in a tip situation (think Waffle House) get screwed, somewhere in the $2-$3 an hour bracket. The justification is that they get tips which make up for the difference, and they are -supposed to- cover the rest if you don't make minimum wage doing this, but a lot of places will just as soon fire you rather than pay you the minimum.

Luckily I've been smart enough to avoid this industry, but for someone who's been out of work for awhile, its sometimes their only option. If you want to be outraged by something, restaurant wages would be a good start.

Comment Really? (Score 1) 845

And I don't like the excuse of "It's been awhile. I've been out of school for YEARS but some things you just don't forget. The fact that he couldn't answer a single one dumbfounds me; this isn't the CEO of a tire company, this is a person in a position to set educational curriculum. They need to be held responsible for not knowing anything about their "business", just as one -should- be held accountable if one ran a computer company without having any idea how they worked (which, unfortunately, is also probably much more common than it should be).

What really gets me is that these are math questions. Not English or Science. Management is business and business is money; if you have no real mathematical education and cannot even answer word problems, people should be SCARED that you are in a position of monetary control; that, even WITH a calculator, you cannot figure out what your company may or may not be bringing in or shelling out.

Then again, there's always the possibility he simply failed the test on purpose in order to push his agenda. Which apparently involves making himself look incompetent and mildly retarded, but, hey, if it gets the test changed in the way he wants, more power to him for gaming the system in an absolutely disgusting manner.

Comment Re:There wouldn't be any of this (Score 3, Insightful) 300

" I'm not saying I'm against legalizing weed. Just making an observation that there's always going to be some jackass who hops up and then goes out and fucks up (or ends) someone else's life."

This happens, anyway. Someone who is completely irresponsible will be irresponsible regardless of the punishment. Legalizing marijuana simply serves to not throw people away who simply want to enjoy it responsibly; just like how most drinkers don't go out and crash their cars into crowded school buses (the president included in this list).

Comment Re:Well... (Score 4, Insightful) 312

When someone commits suicide, it's not always the case that they're going to smother the Internet with cries for help -- introverted especially, especially the geeky kind, tend to bundle up their emotions. Suicides can and do happen out of the blue.

Comment Microsoft Tax (Score 1) 548

What about license agreement? I remember the whole "Microsoft Tax" issue a few years back, where it was basically determined that if you purchased a computer and did not approve the license, you could get a refund on the operating system software (i.e., Windows).

If I purchase a computer and have no plans to dual-boot Windows and Linux, how is this not forcing an illegal tie-in on the consumer? In that I literally cannot opt out of using a Microsoft product? Didn't they -just- have huge lawsuits about this a decade ago? Would they be so idiotic as to try to require bundled software once again?

Comment Metadata? (Score 1) 369

There isn't an issue with files. Files are essentially the atomic structures of the filesystem -- the dividing points between different pieces of content. You can add all the abstraction you want, but if you can't find Piece of Information X at the end of it, it's still a worthless abstraction. Redesign the file system, sure, but the nature of files isn't in question here, but rather how they're accessed.

Comment ...What? (Score 1) 369

I read the entire paper (the second article), which was essentially an analysis of Apple software that concludes that "Apple write a lot to the hard drive and we don't know why" and "this raises more questions than it answers".

Can someone please explain if either article is actually proposing an applicable solution, or simply stating "things need to change!" like a 19-year-old Occupy Wall Street protester?

Comment Identifying OP's Target (Score 4, Insightful) 545

I'm a little confused -- are you looking for an online CMS? Or an offline tool for editing? Because that seems to be more than half of the recommendations coming up.

If you're looking for content management, your options are pretty much limited to how much power you ultimately want over your content. Drupal has a little bit of a learning curve but is easily the most flexible options in the pack; outside of that, try browsing a couple of distribution sites, or hell:

Of course, when it comes down to it, just simply learning to hand-code is not going to be the end of the world, I promise. Nothing has changed in the time you've described on the code-side of things except for bolted-on additions, and browsers are still pretty forgiving to older code (programmers could only wish for the kinds of backwards-compatibility HTML has had during its existence). HTML is not that difficult. CSS is not that difficult. AJAX might be a bit of a push, but JQuery is pretty solid for adding a little extra "zing" for not a lot of extra work. Look into it:

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