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User Journal

Journal Journal: yawn, I hate mulch

Day 3 of spreading mulch... I wish the wife was back home to do some of the work herself! Oh well, life goes on... But you just get soooo Sore from shoveling mulch and dumping and spreading and shoveling, repeat ad infinium...

Thank goodness tomorrow is a workday. (thought I'd never say that! )

User Journal

Journal Journal: Flamebait

I don't get it... I write a response, add a witty ending... I think it was funny and insightfull at the same time... LOTS of folks reply underneath the thread and it has like a gazillion messages below it, but I get rated as Flamebait...

I just don't get it... Next time try funny... Thats what I was after... oh well, at least it wasn't Troll...

Ok, hissy fit over..

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