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Comment Re:You would think. (Score 4, Informative) 348

They only find out your IP address after it's too late.

  1. Your computer asks a DNS resolver where the server is.
  2. The DNS resolver asks Apple's (well, Akami's) DNS server where the server is.
  3. The DNS server guesses the closest server, but all it has available to work with is the address of the resolver.
  4. Your computer uses that answer to contact the server and download whatever. If it was given the wrong server, it's too late now.

Comment Re:Steam Power for the Win (Score 1) 314

Steam turbines are basically the way to turn an external heat source into mechanical energy. Typically this is just used to generate electricity since it's so much more convenient to work with, but for a few applications the turbine will be attached directly to something other than a generator (say, a propeller on a big boat). Steam can also be used even more directly; as a heat source / heat transfer mechanism (say, for heating groups buildings particularly in colder climates), for cleaning carpets, for sterilizing things, in industrial chemical processes, apparently as a replacement for liquid water in some kinds of modern clothes-washing machines, ... .

Comment Re:More security in what way? (Score 1) 62

Chain of authenticity is provided by each parent domain signing the delegation records provided by the child domain.

So, for the "government" to "exert control" over your domain, they would have to completely spoof every parent of your domain. This would affect not just your domain, but all domains in that TLD. Pretty sure if everyone in .com all broke at the same time, someone would notice.

Or they could pressure the parent domain into signing their own bogus delegation records, the same way they currently can pressure them into serving bogus delegation records (such as customs seizing all those trademark-and-copyright-infringing domains a few days ago). This relies entirely on each parent domain being trustworthy about what they sign, which is a bit difficult if you don't trust the government that they're subject to.


Level 3 Shaken Down By Comcast Over Video Streaming 548

An anonymous reader writes "It looks like the gloves are really coming off; Level 3 Communications had to pony up an undisclosed amount of cash to keep Netflix streaming to Comcast customers. Perhaps now the FCC might actually do something to ensure that the internet remains open. Level 3's Chief Legal Officer, Thomas Stortz, said: 'Level 3 believes Comcast's current position violates the spirit and letter of the FCC's proposed Internet Policy principles and other regulations and statutes, as well as Comcast's previous public statements about favoring an open Internet. While the network neutrality debate in Washington has focused on what actions a broadband access provider might take to filter, prioritize or manage content requested by its subscribers, Comcast's decision goes well beyond this. With this action, Comcast is preventing competing content from ever being delivered to Comcast's subscribers at all, unless Comcast's unilaterally-determined toll is paid — even though Comcast's subscribers requested the content. With this action, Comcast demonstrates the risk of a 'closed' Internet, where a retail broadband Internet access provider decides whether and how their subscribers interact with content.'"

Comment They're in the middle of the ocean. (Score -1, Troll) 595

Since I'm not in the middle of the ocean, I don't have to breathe whatever crap they're spewing out. So I don't really have a reason to care. Of course it might still make sense for the big port cities to put emissions limits on what ships they'll accept, and send the really nasty ones elsewhere...

Comment Re:Agreed (Score 1) 200

but it's a great concept. Why should someone have your data with out you knowing and better yet why should they keep it if you ask it to be destroyed.

What I know, is mine. This, is saying that my knowledge is not mine and can be taken from me. Really, it looks like the next step from those absurd libel laws where truth isn't a defense. What's the next step after this one, require that anyone can have anyone else dragged off to get portions of their memory medically erased?

Comment Re:The new "rationality" test. I support this test (Score 1) 554

It does not matter what you think personally, if you say it under the company name, (your name is the company name if you are an employee), then you are representing the company at all times. If you have something to say then say it under another name.

As someone else linked upthread, Fuck that shit.

Comment Re:waaaaaah waaaaaahhhhh (Score 1) 310

the right of a non-state capitalist, for profit corporation to build structures on land where the land owners and local government have decreed they want no such structures?

that is COMMUNIST.

No, I think it's actually closer to fascist. Communists don't have "non-state capitalist, for profit corporations", remember?

Comment Re:Take a look at the map..... (Score 3, Interesting) 310

It's not a dictatorship, people voted in place the officials that made this happen, it's what most of them want.

1. Don't local elections tend to have really lousy turnout? It's hard to say "most" people want this, if most people don't bother to vote.

2. If people do think they want this, do they understand the (obvious) implications of what they agreed to?

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