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Comment Re:Decades? (Score 1) 451

Please listen to those of us who know how engineering works and stop trying to decrease our intelligence by listening to your uninformed whining.

Well, that wouldn't be you.

No matter *which* stage a test is performed, if it doesn't perform as expected, THEN THAT IS A FAILURE. Period. Full Stop. I don't care if it's in Development, UA, QA, or Pre Prod. If you don't pass that's called a FAIL. You then regroup, analyze the data you collected and determine why the failure occurred. Which is what happened here. The EAS did NOT perform as expected and as such was a FAILURE.

Comment Re:Having Read Both Papers (Score 1) 226

I think the fact that most of us are not qualified to understand the raw data let alone the analysis, lends to believe this summary (and associated article) are vastly oversimplified.

That it's taken a relatively decent amount of time for this to come out leads me to believe that the answer is non obvious and non trivial to obtain.

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