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Comment registry export for the lazy (Score 1, Interesting) 434

Made a .reg file for a lazy friend of mine.. basically, it just reroutes the requests to my server instead, as he trusts me more than microsoft, heh.
Feel free to use it, if you want, or edit it to fit your own preferences.

I take no responsibility, etc...

PS: I'm slightly less evil than google.

Comment three indications that i'm a Pirate (Score 1) 572

95% of my total disk space used is for pirated stuff (TV shows, movies, music, etc etc).

On top of that, it just so happens that I'm currently on the ship i work on... that's gotta count in the pirate-direction too, right?

Also, having a weird Norewegian last name is suitable.. the first syllable is pronounced "Yarr"

Comment Re:Bed (Score 1) 460

It appears that the setup i have isn't in production anymore, but the ones below are very similar.

bed: -- slightly different measurements
plus a thin (15-20 cm) mini-matres thingy on top to make it extra soft.

Oh, and sorry for not providing the link in english, but search the product name on your local IKEA, and you'll prolly find it.

Comment Bed (Score 2, Interesting) 460

It is by far the most comfortable bed i've ever slept in, and the ones who's slept in it agree with me. It's 200 x 180 cm of awesomeness.
I am currently undergoing a moving process from Norway to Ireland, and due to the comfyness of the bed, i decided to throw some extra money into the moving process and drive all of my stuff around europe, across the channel, and a few bridges and ferries along the way to be able to bring the bed to my new apartment.
A bed is a place where you spend approx 30% of your life, so in my opinion it is a severely underated upholstery.

Comment priorities (Score 1) 215

"[..]the key to Avatar's success or failure, may be habit forming. Dr. Mario Mendez, a behavioral neurologist at the University of California[..]"
"[..]may be habit forming. Dr. Mario Mendez, a behavioral neurologist[..]"
"[..]Dr. Mario Mendez[..]"
"[..]Dr. Mario[..]" ...that's just how my brain works.


Submission + - Who gets the unfinished software?

zaunuz writes: What happends to unfinished software, mainly consisting of bits and pieces of perl-code, if the company you wrote it for goes bankrupt? This might be the case where i currently work. For the past year i have been in charge of a fairly big project, but due to poor economical planning higher up in the system, it is quite possible that the company will die before me and my team are finished. If this happends, we would like to continue the project on our own, since it is fairly close to completion, and it would suck to just scrap what we've invested so many hours and cups of coffee into. The creditors are most likely to be the new owners of the code, however, do the creditors care about unfinished code? Afterall, first they'd have to understand what it does. After they've done that, they'd have to finish it themselves. Has anyone else experienced a similar situation?

Submission + - divining the actual users who've viewed a webpage

Darkshin writes: "Um I will be honest this is a fool's errand. Please don't think little of me for asking what I am about to ask but first : reason. I blog quite a bit on *sigh* myspace. I posted a blog and then went into the "manage my blog" it had been less than thirty seconds and i already had 4 views...30 secs later it was eight. I checked back an hour later and one more viewing had occurred. However I thought it wierd that my PROFILE views had not gone up even once for all 9 of my blog views. So these "viewers" directly had to go into my blog bypassing the profile...(i think; there could be a coding aspect i am unaware of...) But my question is this...Is there any code that I can use to place a special counter in the HTML to not only track the # of views but relay the users ID of the viewers? And for the ID not just the IP or whatever but the actual myspace user...but I think I should need both because a viewer need not necessarily be a myspace registered user... Any and all help is most welcome I am a complete Noob when it comes to CS but I am learning...I mean come on it's my chosen major. Thank you"

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