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User Journal

Journal Journal: my new tipyng skllis

I can filalny type cemltope sneenctes. Koko wsnat very hppay aoubt not bineg neeedd, but she has aeujtdsd to ccirus life. I cnat wait to talk aobut all of my wdrneoufl iades wtih my new innrteet biuddes.

Journal Journal: learning to read

It has been difficult, but I am slowly learning to read better. I hope to be able to comprehend full sentences before long.. then I won't need Koko the Typing Orangutan to help me with my journal anymore. Sorry Koko.

Journal Journal: why don't I have friends

I don't have any friends. I have to spend all day putting software on my computer (like FreeBSD, Wine, Postfix, MySQL, OpenOffice, etc) just so I don't get lonely. I need to 'apt-get more_friends' or 'portupgrade social_life'... maybe one day people will read my online journal and fall in love with me. I will check back everyday for comments.

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