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Comment Re:Ridiculous, but so are college degrees (Score 1) 173

That is not really true. Lots of people who aren't capable get into college and graduate, some even with advanced degrees. The percentage of incapable people is lower the longer the program because there is a higher chance that people will realize they are not cut out for it and switch to something else.... If they finish a degree even though they suck they usually end up spending a few years trying to be an engineer before moving on to management or other business functions or other careers entirely. The ones with true ability are more likely to continue for many years and gain a lot more depth of experience over time. People who are actually GOOD generally either are "that way" no matter how much experience they have, three months is probably plenty of time for someone with real talent to get enough experience to be productive in an entry level position. Certainly, they will continue to acquire more skills and knowledge the longer they work, not saying that someone with only three months experience is anywhere near as good as a senior engineer... but I absolutely agree that college is totally unneccessary.

Comment Re:Probably not. (Score 1) 546

College is a Joke. Degrees are largely worthless because grade inflation has gotten so bad that basically anyone with a pulse will graduate from the CS programs... doesn't matter if it is Harvard, or MIT, or Stanford, or lowly state schools. The students all whine and complain and talk to the dean, etc, etc... until they get a passing grade. It sucks for those who actually are GOOD because you end up with the same grades and the same degrees as the idiots who can't code their way out of a paper bag.

Comment Re:I hope not, de-facto (Score 1) 511

Why is java obscure? Sure you need to write a bunch of boilerplate code, but it is just a programming language which happens to be widely used. There is nothing about it which makes it particularly hard to learn or "elite". Python is not "easier". It just takes less boilerplate to do a lot of common things (although in many cases the performance suffers). There are certainly things in the Java language which I'm not fond of, but show me any language and I'll tell you about its flaws. I have yet to find a perfect one.

Comment the hype (Score 1) 162

No matter how much you optimize your schema and your queries there are limits to what one machine can handle. Depending on what your application or business needs are, this may happen MUCH sooner than a billion users. For many, merely tens of millions of really active users are enough to exceed these limits, and when you are a startup trying to grow and add features it is easier said than done to ensure that every piece of code you release is so perfect that you will not rock the boat at all, since one minor slip effects EVERYTHING. At that point your choices are custom sharding (expensive, painful, error prone). Or horizontally scalable NoSQL. Personally, I would just choose NoSQL from the start. It is not harder to use, and you have a lot more wiggle room to respond when you want to release features quickly and iterate over them to improve performance if you decide to keep them. And yes, you can use functional sharding and multiple relational databases, but sooner or later if you are successful, you will hit the same problem.

Comment Going in the wrong direction (Score 1) 162

And I might add that one of the most painful parts of migrating away from relational databases after you are already huge and bursting at the seams is that usually folks will have relied on the transactional consistency they provide for all the app logic and business processes. Suddenly wanting to change all that code to handle eventual consistency is not trivial at all, but if you were doing it all along because you started out that way... fewer pains.

Comment Going in the wrong direction (Score 1) 162

Actually, more than you think should probably use NoSQL. It isn't really any harder if you build it that way from the start and if your startup happens to get gigantic you won't have a relational database to migrate away from as one of your problems. You'll still have problems though, and even with NoSQL you need to "do it right" or it will still have issues when it gets huge.

Comment Re:To be fair to the cop, it would appear that... (Score 1) 1440

Technically most phone GPS apps would be illegal even if you weren't entering data since they get the map data over the internet. This whole nonsense is a slippery slope, why is it safe to use the car's built in GPS, but not the phone? Should it be illegal to adjust your climate control knobs? What about chewing gum? You can't legislate away stupidity.

Comment Re:Problem not lack of interest (Score 1) 270

Those are general requirements. The chances of someone with 20/50 vision actually being made a fighter pilot as opposed to some other role are basically zero unless they have absolutely amazing abilities otherwise. They'll tell you anything you want to hear during recruiting, but you have almost no chance no matter what they say.

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