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Submission + - Should technology help customers discriminate? (nytimes.com)

cornicefire writes: The New York Times takes a break from focusing on the number of female employees in Silicon Valley to celebrate a cab company in New York (SheRides) that matches female passengers up with female drivers. The article briefly acknowledges the gender bias, but goes on to list ways that female drivers are better. The gender discrimination is enforced by technology platform built SheRides (also called SheTaxis in other cities). Is this company decision to use technology to enhance and encourage gender discrimination a mistake? Or are they just giving the customers what they want?

Comment There's plenty of diversity-- but not all races (Score 3, Interesting) 459

I see plenty of racial diversity. There are folks from India, China, Korea, Japan and many of the islands in the south Pacific where I work. And if you look closely at the so-called "white" folk, many come from all across Europe and Arabia. Are they represented equally? No. If anything, "white" people are underrepresented compared to their percentage of the population. It's a mistake to talk about "racial diversity" when that's not really the problem. It just distracts us by framing it as a problem of white people discriminating against non-whites.

Submission + - Is Gender Imbalance A Problem In Other Fields? (newrepublic.com)

cornicefire writes: The tech industry is constantly criticized by people who argue that society should aim for 50% of the jobs in the tech industry to be filled by women. But other occupations are even more imbalanced. For instance, Greg Veis at the New Republic interviews Steven Antonelli, about what it's like to be one of the few men who work in early childhood education. When he started, he had to use the women's bathroom because there was no key for the mens' room. Only 2% of the preschool teachers are male and the women dominate most elementary schools. Even high school teachers are predominantly female. Many of these jobs have full health insurance and rich pensions-- two benefits rarely seen in tech startups or even some well-established tech firms. Should the battle for gender equality in Silicon Valley be expanded into other areas like early childhood education? Should society aim for all job categories to be filled with an equal number of both genders?

Comment I quit a long time ago (Score 3, Interesting) 229

After a few attempts that made it through the gauntlet, it quickly became a fool's errand. Why should anyone risk months of work only to watch some nameless, faceless drone at Apple issue a thumbs down rejection? At least in Roman times, the Emperor was brave enough to show his face when issuing the thumbsdown. What a wretched market. It's impossible to do anything except sell stupid games. (And I say that as someone who likes stupid games.) Then they have the gall to take 30% for doing next to nothing. Seriously. It's just a db insert and some FTP.

Comment Article shows fundamental lack of understanding (Score 2) 183

"We have no plans to do anything like that. Swift is a new option for developing on the platform. We have no plans to drop C, C++ or Objective-C. If youÃ(TM)re happy with them, please feel free to keep using them."


"Swift is Apple's modern, type-safe language for Cocoa development But Objective-C remains a first-class citizen too"


Seems like it's not meant to supplant but to live alongside it.

Comment Why not? A crime is a crime (Score -1, Flamebait) 135

If you shoplift N times, you're going to go to jail eventually. If you break into someone's house, you're going to go to jail eventually. The evidence here is clearer than most crimes. We have IP addresses, times and other details that are much more incontrovertible than the evidence we use to put people away for life. So why not? I say that people who are too cheap to pay for content should have to face the consequences.

Comment BFD-- The others do the same thing (Score 2) 142

Google gives millions to groups that -- surprise, surprise-- fight for "net neutrality". So does Netflix. What does "net neutrality" mean? We shouldn't be surprised that these groups fight to make it easier for Google and Netflix to make money without having to share it with the cable companies. This is how business is done. The only thing naive about this article is that it pretends that only the cable companies are astroturfing. The EFF is one big astroturf factory for the Google.

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