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Comment HI-YO, HI-YO, DISCERNIBLE TODAY (Score 1) 605

(A Song After Reading Toynbee)

Has it come to your attention how the race of man
Has been climbing upwards since time began,
How it's been climbing steady, and it's climbing there still,
But every time you notice it, it's going down hill?

Going downhill is the natural way,
For the old folks work and the young folks play,
And the pioneer morals universally decay -
Yet definite improvement is discernible today!
Hi-yo, hi-yo, discernible today!

Now there's been a quite demonstrable and healthy gain
In higher mathematics and the size of the brain,
Between us and the oyster there were great strides made -
But every time you look at us, we're slipping down grade.

Going downhill is the natural trend,
For the old folks gather and the young folks spend,
Yet line up all our forebears on the path that we descend
And a definite improvement is apparent at this end!
Hi-yo, hi-yo, apparent at this end!

The Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Greeks and Romans, too,
Hung up some fancy records when their world was new,
And some they hung so high the boys are shooting at them still -
But they saw themselves continually going down hill.

Going downhill is the way things run,
For the old have illusions and the young have fun,
And our manners and religions everlastingly decay,
Yet astonishing improvement is discernible today!
Hi-yo, hi-yo, discernible today!

  Maxwell Anderson and published in the May 8,1948 edition of The New Yorker magazine (pg 26) .

Comment Re:Mall of America has been using body heat for ye (Score 1) 161

Yes. And in the late 60s undergraduate agricultural engineering students at the U of I were using the heat given off by a chicken in designing chicken coops.

Bell Northern Research in Ottawa, Ontario designed its later labs to not only not require heating, but to pipe heat into the older buildings that still did.


Anonymous Threatens Robin Hood Attacks Against Banks 529

gManZboy writes "Just in time for the holidays, hacktivist collective Anonymous has announced that it has teamed up with like-minded group TeaMp0isoN to donate to charity. The catch: they're using stolen credit data from big banks to make donations, in a campaign they're calling Operation Robin Hood. Is the #OpRobinHood campaign for real, or like previous threats against Wall Street and Facebook, just another hoax? Aesthetically, at least, the OpRobinHood video ticks all of the traditional Anonymous aesthetic requirements: a mashed-up 'p0isoaNoN' logo (green on black), a liberal dose of swelling choral music (via that movie trailer staple 'Europa,' by Globus), together with selected clips of Kevin Costner as Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves."

Submission + - Daniel D. McCracken, Dies at 81 ( 1

jmcharry writes: Daniel D. McCracken, the first best-selling author of books that taught people how to use computers, died on July 30 in New York. He was 81.

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