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Researchers Experiment With Explosives To Fight Wildfires 80

aesoteric writes: "Australian researchers are a step closer to demonstrating whether explosives — rather than water — can be used to extinguish an out-of-control wildfire. The research uses a blast of air to knock the flame off its fuel source — a technique used in the oil & gas industry for decades. The latest tests were conducted in New Mexico. Firefighters are reported to be quietly optimistic about the research's potential."

Comment Re:Teach my tone-deaf sister to sing (Score 1) 294

The problem there is that anyone who does not actually have a brain defect, which is almost no-one, can be taught to sing and taught to sing well. People who can't sing were typically brought up on a diet of recorded music, were not sung to as children, and were discouraged from singing from an early age. Give her six months of weekly lessons with a vocal teacher then come back and tell us she can't sing.

Comment Re:Selection bias much? (Score 1) 177

Yes. I am completely wrong and realise the error of my ways. How idiotic I feel now. Thank you for setting me on the path to righteousness. I realise now that all Turing machines are entirely seperate from their substrate and that if their substrate is required to operate they clearly cannot be Turing machines. Gosh. The scales have really fallen from my eyes.

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