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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 1 accepted (8 total, 12.50% accepted)


Submission + - "Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop

u38cg writes: "Usman Asif's quote summarises the position for public photographers today. Arts student Sebastian Przygodzki was today fined in a Scottish court for photographing a woman being sick outside a bar, after being charged with breach of the peace. This was despite Member of Parliament Austin Mitchell's Early Day Motion earlier this year, which gathered 240 signatures from across the House. Bruce Schneier blogged earlier this year on the "War on Photography", the tendency among authority to try to restrict public photography. It's been an issue for a long time; here's an article from 2005 which treads the same ground. And lastly, for the benefit of Sebastian and his fellow snappers, here are some handy guides to the law for the United States, the UK, and Australia (in PDF)."

Submission + - Harry Potter Lexicon infringes copyright.

u38cg writes: In a frankly bizarre ruling, Judge Robert Patterson has ruled that the publication of the Harry Potter Lexicon, an encyclopaedic reference to the Potter universe, would infringe on J.K. Rowling's copyrights to the Harry Potter books.

Submission + - Scientists create 'invisibility cloak'

u38cg writes: "A team of US and British scientists have created a 'meta-material' that successfully cloaked a small copper cylinder from passing microwaves. Not quite Star Trek, just yet, but says David Smith of Duke University: 'It shows what can be done with artificial materials. It gives us some insight that we can design something that we wouldn't have been able to do with any existing material'.

The Duke University press release has a link to a YouTube video detailing the process."

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