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Comment Re:I'm amazed (Score 1) 857

On the other hand, I had to get a wire transfer of a decently large sum from overseas a few years back, and it was quite an interesting conversation at the bank. "That sounds an awful lot like one of those scam things" "No. No it's not." "Are you sure it's-" "Yes I'm sure, thank you, just give me the damn information please."
User Journal

Journal Journal: What happened to reading?

Browsing through my past comments, I noticed the following:

Now, how is it that they can really not understand the reference or its relationship to the original topic? And how is it that, failing to understand the reference, they mod it down as a troll?
User Journal

Journal Journal: The Beginning

This is my journal. There are many like it but this one is mine.

I wonder...

Will anyone ever see it?

Will anyone..ever care?

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