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Comment Re:Don't believe the salesman's hype (Score 1) 121

There was a study of using an electronic medical record in a pediatric intensive care unit. The patients with the EMR had a higher death rate than the control patients. The doctors said that when they needed to write a prescription in a hurry, they would just take out their Rx pad and write it. When they needed to write it with the EMR, they had to sign in, go through screens, and find what they were looking for.

Do you have a link to that? I would like to see it.

Comment Oh No (Score 5, Informative) 193

For me, Siri is unusable. I don't know if it's my voice or accent, but it rarely understands me, that is when the service is even up. A lot of the time, Siri is 'unavailable' presumably because Apple's servers are getting hammered by requests. I found the google voice recognition stuff to work a lot better. The only thing Siri has going for it is a rich set of commands.

Comment Re:Wrong demographic (Score 1) 272

I'm not saying that the attack vector isn't present, I'm just saying it's not worth it. Someone with the skills to steal a car that way isn't going to bother to make $5000 (at most) selling a stolen car for parts when they could make that in a week at a legitimate job (that they can get with the skills required to steal said car in said fashion).

Now, stealing a crazy-expensive car is another matter entirely.

Comment Wrong demographic (Score 2) 272

I seriously doubt this will have much effect on car thievery. A jimmy and hotwiring are things pretty much anyone can do. On the other hand, hacking a car's PC is not a skill generally held by people who have an actual desire to steal cars. I expect a few very expensive cars will be stolen via high-tech means, but I wouldn't expect this to cause a noticeable change on cat theft rates for non luxury cars.


How Do You Keep Up With Science Developments? 337

malraid writes "As a nerd who used to love science back in high school (specially physics), I now find myself completely disconnected from any and all scientific developments and news. How do you try to stay up to date with scientific developments? Science journals? Whatever makes it into Slashdot's front page? Books? Magazines? I'm looking for something engaging and informative, for not something that will require me to go and get a PhD just to be able to comprehend."

Comment Multi wan router (Score 1) 206

When I google 'multi wan router' (I assume you didn't get that far), Peplink is the first result. They seem pretty legit, but I don't have any of their products. They even have one that can connect to wifi networks and ethernet for internet connectivity, which seems right up your alley.

As far as I know, just linking to routers together will not work. Your computer can only have 1 gateway (where it looks for the real internet). Maybe there's custom firmware that allows load-balancing with another router, but I doubt it.

Comment Fear Technology! (Score 0) 311

Blah blah technology is evil blah blah. This generation clearly is suffering from blah blah more than any other. Humanity is in danger blah blah.

My favorite part is the end:

So no need to throw your iPhone off a cliff - just yet.

What are we supposed to take away from this? Let's all be unspecifically fearful of future technology.

printable version /KARMA WHORE

Comment Re:Solutions Database (Score 1) 239

ProTools = Audacity


I've used Audacity. It's great for quick and dirty audio editing and the price is right. It's not a replacement for ProTools.

That said, the number of people who actually need the features in ProTools that Audacity doesn't have is really miniscule. Maybe that's what you were getting at.

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