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Comment Re:Why does nobody ask Google anything today? (Score 1) 142

"I like and use Google services as much as the next guy, but their ultra-secretive habits make me very wary of them."

And yet, like a strung out junkie, you keep coming back to them? Why does anyone have to ask them what they are doing if you are already fairly certain you know? You seem to be a smart person, yet you keep doing things you are believe are hurting you, waiting for the government to step in and force you to stop. Government is not the answer. Self control is.


Submission + - Cueing Audio For Instant Play

AMSmith42 writes: This is probably a trivial matter for the Slashdot community and there are likely many welcome opinions. Our small high school puts on an annual play. Lately these plays have become more elaborate as community members with specialized talents have stepped up to help with the various jobs. Our audio technician mixes sound effects with Audacity on his Windows XP-based Inspiron 1100 laptop. Come show time, he opens up all of the Audacity project files that he will need which clutters his small screen. He does this because with Audacity there is no noticeble latency between clicking play and the audio actually playing or the latency is acceptable (presumably because they are all loaded into RAM already?).

I'm having trouble finding software that will load all of the audio files that he will need (compiled from his Audacity projects, naturally) into RAM and putting them in a play list, making them instantly available for playing one at a time (as opposed to continuing on to the next sound bite in the list). Does such a thing exist? Thank you in advance.

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