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Comment Re: This should be interesting... (Score 3, Interesting) 100

Challenge Accepted!!

They want to allow people to be reassured that they have "enough" privacy by giving them tools that will protect them from other end users learning their secrets, whatever they've decided those secrets should be.

Their saleable advantage is that they can let people manipulate you. They've been using mass analysis of mail as a way to better do that since their mail services were invite only.

They want you to be satisfied with them not just invading your privacy, not just manipulating you with what they learn, but manipulating you for anyone who wants to pay.

But don't worry, your data is secure in transit!

Comment Re: I believe it because.. (Score 1) 291

Saving money for a rainy day is hard. Giving everything you have and will have to your kids is easy. Wasteful greed is an immature trait that is not lost at 5, 16, 25 or 60. It's lost after you become a parent. People who don't have children ARE NOT ADULTS, ever. Irresponsible to count their vote as though they were.

Comment Re: Well... (Score 1) 493

Let me be the first.

I don't trust the medical industry. They sell things that are harmful. They promote things that are non optimal because the optimal choice is generic. They publish non replicable research most of the time to promote their careers. They hide mistakes with out of court settlements and non disclosure agreements. They cut corners to drive up profits. They serve money, which means serving the interests of the aging boomer population, whose interests conflict with mine. And, they are wrong all the fucking time.

I trust them to treat a critical situation when they're the best available option at that time, using tried and true methods. I don't trust them to inject drugs containing heavy metals and viruses into the whole population for x dollars a pop.

Some guy was ranting about getting a pound of flesh from people who don't vaccine. The problem is attributable to excessive population density, allowing the diseases to spread more rapidly than they sicken, and preventing people from avoiding the ill. Wanna keep concentrating in cities, using industrial farming and wasting ridiculous amounts of energy, despite all the warnings? That's OK. There's a disease for that.

Comment Re: I believe it because.. (Score 1) 291

Hear, hear

I believe it because I had it, loved it, had it taken from me, long for it, hate the person I become without it, and wish I could wreck terrible vengeance on everyone who participates in the vile social system that thought it acceptable to take it from me.

I used to be such a nice guy to be around...

Comment Re:Is this an ad ? (Score 1) 304

I didn't express an opinion. I acknowledged that human capabilities extend far beyond the norm, and that neither of us knows, something you're unprepared to do. This isn't a thesis defense, or a court room. Being pedantic and engaging in sophistry isn't going to achieve some sort of victory of debate that erases the fact that you're a prick.

Comment Re:Do we really need new books? (Score 1) 405

Wrong. Quality people that put quality time into quality work need to get paid.

Yes there are mass market producers that produce large amounts of drek. But that's what some people want to buy.

Don't try to destroy the market simply because you're full of misguided hate... its ugly and pathetic.

How the hell am I "trying to destroy the market"? I won't miss it when it's gone, and you clearly will, but that's no excuse for attacking my character.

Comment Re:Is this an ad ? (Score 1) 304

And, tetrachromats are the daughter of a man who is an anomalous trichromats and a woman with normal vision. One of the man's cone types has a mutation that makes it a little off.

In a normal woman, she'll have two x chromosomes, each having functionally identical coding for red, green and blue cones. She doesn't need both, so one of the x chromosomes will be switched off.

In a tetrachromat, she'll have two x chromosomes, but only two of the three types of cones are functionally identical, and the third color of cone is functionally different.

So, she might have R0, G0, B0 on one and R0, G1, B0 on the other.

When the x chromosomes are switched off, it's not always the same one. Sometimes it's the one from mom, sometimes the one from dad. So, her eyes will have R0, G0, G1 and B0.

This is what gives her superior color vision.

It also gives her a higher probability of having colorblind male children.

Comment Re:Is this an ad ? (Score 1) 304

Rude lies like that are why someone modded you troll. Nowhere did I say that if I can't do it you can't do it. Nowhere did I say anything like what you claim I said. You lied about what I said, in a rude manner. Why? Obviously to pick a fight. Some call that trolling.

If you don't like it, stop trolling.

If you want to address what I said, rather than making fun of me for you thinking I share a different opinion, feel free to try again. You do the worst of what you accuse me of.

You implied in a sarcastic tone that all the people who claim to be able to tell the difference between a tube amp and a solid state amp are lying about it. This implies that you cannot. You don't know the audiophiles in question that you are implying are liars, and you can't provide any evidence whatsoever that they lied, but you implied it anyway.

You are the troll, and I called you on it.

Comment Re:Analogy cut short? (Score 1) 405

Should not the analogy continue a bit further with:
and when there are no more Charlie Stross novels, the customers can not buy them, making Amazon's incomes diminish. At which time they have to pay more to the Charlie Strosses out there.

Is this not just precise how capitalism is supposed to work?

No, it's not.

Comment Re:Why don't the authors (Score 1) 405

and the musican for that matter create their own distribution websites. Seriously there's power in numbers especailly with the connection and access to instant customers they already have. They just need to accept the fact that people will pirate like people will shoplift. Make the products price reflect the production/distrubution costs and don't treat you customers as criminal and they will buy.

Even though I don't read books that much these days I do watch lots of movies/shows and if I could "buy to own" new releases that play cross platform with out some special player for say $10 and older movies for $4-5 there would be WAY less money in my bank account.

Because it's hard work, and they're not qualified to do it, that's why. Did you catch the bit where he was bitching about the prospect of having to get a real job?

Comment Re:Do we really need new books? (Score 0) 405

Yes. We'll always need new books. Because human beings will always have new things to say in a new way. Because even if what you do might have been done before you never did it. And now that you have you join those that came before.

We must never stop writing. Never stop thinking. Never stop making things.

If he was really doing this because he had things to say, he wouldn't artificially restrict distribution, and he wouldn't need to be paid to do it.

He just doesn't want to get a job.

When writing is done to produce a product for mass consumption, the quality of literature goes down. Hopefully, when all the writers are supporting themselves with practical work, it will improve.

Anyone who thinks we need a profit motive for great literature to exist should read The Hobbit, which was written for no particular reason whatsoever, or The Lord of the Rings, which was written for his son.

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