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Comment Re:Are You Serious? (Score 1) 794

> This GCV is used in Q-value routine of 2003 to determine false discovery rates by smoothing over the P-values of thousands of genes

Are you referring to this paper ?

The authors didn't mention any numerical difficulties. Maybe it would have been worth contacting one of them for help--assuming you're not one of them.

Comment Re:EPA would never let you build them (Score 1) 510

I saw no mention of the EPA in the article.

However, were it not a troll, the "Try again." comment would bother me. Someone may have little to contribute to the thread except for a link to a journal article. Let them post it! It still gives information to a non-negligible subset of the slashdot readership.

Comment Re:Chrome supports a company that sells ads. (Score 1) 326

I never click on ads either, but I found myself clicking on Google ads. They are very smart.

I search for "amazon blu ray" because I want to buy a blu ray player on In my opinion requires no advertising when a query asks specifically for them. The top hit is the relevant page on However, I automatically click on the ad instead because it's equally relevant and it sits higher on the page.

Maybe if Amazon hadn't paid for that ad, a competitor would have and the sale would be stolen some small percentage of the time. If that chance is small, then companies are paying for a lot clicks they would have had for free. Regardless, I've clicked on many google ads without even realizing what I had done.

Comment Re:Really that big deal? (Score 1) 589

It was in direct response to the parent comment that a cap in salaries will result in fewer people pursuing the profession.

I do know how much medical school costs; it's outrageous and there's no doubt it turns off qualified people. You might say that the most passionate should be undeterred, but I don't think that's realistic.

I wouldn't be surprised if the amount of debt accumulated in professional programs selects for the type who are fixated on the pot of gold at the end.

Comment Re:Show me some example code (Score 2, Informative) 382

In R you can easily extract elements of an array :

x = 1:10 #integers from 1 to 10

#set all even elts of x that are less than 7

x[(x < 7)&(x %% 2 == 0)] = -1

#y is some big array with several dimensions

#I and J are vectors of integers

z = y[I,,J,,, drop = F]

#'z' is now a sub array

z = y[I,2,J,1,]

#now z is a subarray with fewer dimensions

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